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It's about 12:00 am, the ticket junky has finally left, which leaves Hoseok to clean the ovens out of his boredom. As you'd expect, rarely anyone comes in to get stuff during the graveyard shift, well, except those occasional hungover drunks who come in at 1 am to get milk for their cereal and a few Hot Dogs, but that's about it.

He's currently scrubbing the caked grease on the oven's sheet until he hears the familiar ding on the door's bell chime. He drops the sponge to peek his head over the counter, wanting to get a look at who in the world is coming in at this hour.

What Hoseok assumes he'd see was perhaps another lottery ticket addict, maybe one of those late-night drunks, possibly another inebriated person high on some weed, but what he never expected, was this.

It was a boy. Not just any boy, though. He was dressed in all black: with clunky combat boots, black denim jeans, and a sleek leather jacket. The boy was facing sideways, but what Hoseok could make out of him, he was gorgeous.

He had a rather flat profile, with a skinny nose and a slight bump on the bridge. He had the most luscious lips Hoseok had ever seen, and the boy's bright pink hair was tousled, disheveled from seemingly wearing a helmet. He also wore a pair of golden, dangly earrings.

Hoseok held his breath as the man walked into the mini aisles of the store, and he stood up from where he was crouching so he wouldn't look like a complete dumbass.

Hoseok continued to shamelessly gawk at the gorgeous man. He averted his eyes to those strong thighs and calves, in which–even in jeans–showed the defined, bulky muscle of his legs. Although he was a little shorter than average in height, his dense muscle mass and thick, strong neck made up for it immensely.

God the muscles. He was salivating at the sight alone.

Good god, Hoseok. Close your mouth.

Hoseok snaps his jaw shut as the mystery man turns back, done with his little shopping and is now walking towards the counter. He stops right in front of Hoseok, and he fully sees him in his glory.

Hoseok felt his knees shake because holy fucking shit this guy was the most beautiful man he'd ever seen in his life.

It's the raw, piercing gaze, the plump, lush lips, and hot, jaded smirk that's making Hoseok's head spin with tremendous attraction. He's never seen anyone like him before, but he is far from complaining.

The boy sets down on the counter a...pack of bubble gum? It doesn't matter, what's got Hoseok in a tizzy is his little smirk and his fucking eyes. They are still staring at each other, and with shaky hands, Hoseok scans the gum. He swears the mystery boy leans closer, and Hoseok takes all power not to stutter,

"T-that'll be 1000 won, sir."

He stuttered, goddamnit.

The boy smiles, pulling out the won and placing it right in Hoseok's hand. Their fingers touch, and Hoseok feels his brain leave his body. In the midst of his brain dead state, he manages to catch a glance at the word bangtan sewed into the man's jacket.

The boy turns around again, locking eyes with Hoseok and giving him a sly wink before strutting out the door.

Hoseok stops working all together.

Well fuck.

『Bubble gum』jihopeWhere stories live. Discover now