Shattered [Part 2/2]

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Instead of a new scene appearing the screen suddenly faded to black. Everyone exchanged confused looks.

"I'm sorry, but I'll have to interrupt this rather happy moment..."  Everyone jumped at the voice. It was... there was no real word to  describe it. it wasn't really in the room, more like in their heads,  echoing and drowning out every thought.

"Who are you?" Windu asked and the voice chuckled. "I am the one showing you this. The one who brought you here." Anakin was tense and looked around in suspicion. "Why are you just now talking to us? Why not earlier?"

"I didn't see a need to do so. But now, I do. For the safety of everyone in this room I have to do something I hoped to avoid." Obi-Wan sat up a bit straighter. "And what would that be?"

"I have to use my abilities on two of you. If I don't in the next few minutes some people could get seriously injured." "What will you do?" Ahsoka asked. "You'll see. Please, remain seated and cooperate."

A  figure appeared. It was a soft yellow, almost white. No real shapes or  details, it was... just something. Before anyone could ask what, they  would do the figure approached Rex and Cody. "What are you-" Rex's  sentence was cut off when the figure touched both of their heads. He  froze, his eyes wide open.

Both clones began to bend forward and  suddenly both talked without any emotion in their voice: "Good soldiers  follow orders." Without a warning, the moment they stopped talking, both  collapsed and fell to the floor.

The figure was gone and Ahsoka  jumped over the seats to get to them. She kneeled next to her Captain,  Obi-Wan was by Cody's side. "Rex? Are you okay?"

Slowly the clones  began to move again. Cody held his head and clenched his eyes shut; his  brother massaged his templates. "What... What was that?" Ahsoka and  Obi-Wan helped the clones sit down in their seats again.

   "I'm sorry, this must've been a rather disorienting experience.  Now, please settle down, you will continue watching. Soon you will  realize what I did, and when you find out, please remain civil. I will  not accept any kind of physical fighting here. Remember that this is a  future that has not yet happened, and a future that can be changed with  every decision you make."

Before anyone could ask questions, the screen began to light up  again. Obi-Wan walked back to his seat, but Ahsoka remained next to the  Captain. "You sure you're okay?" he muttered quietly, and he nodded  slowly. "I think so, yes."

   [Maul is still in the cell, suddenly voices are heard]


                  [lightsaber ignites]  

                  SIDIOUS: You must choose.  

                  WINDU: Don't listen to him, Anakin!  

                  ANAKIN: It's not the Jedi way. He must live.  

                  WINDU: He's too dangerous to be left alive.  

                  SIDIOUS: Please don't.  

                  ANAKIN: I need him!  

                  SIDIOUS: Unlimited power!  

                  [Windu screams; force lightning; more screaming]  

                  ANAKIN: What have I done?  

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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