Shattered [Part 1/2]

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   [the gunships land; Saxon, Brook and other Mandalorian are led away; Saxon tries to free himself]

   CLONE: Watch it!

   [Bo-Katan walks by the prisoners and looks at them; the last  gunship lands; the doors open and Ahsoka and Rex come out, behind them  is Maul unconscious and tied up]

   BO-KATAN: You actually have captured him. I'm impressed. [hands Ahsoka her sabers]

Anakin could feel himself relax a bit more when Ahsoka had her sabers.

   AHSOKA: That is what the council wanted.

   BO-KATAN: Still. You succeeded where many have failed.

Anakin smiled down at her, his pride radiating into the force.  Obi-Wan felt satisfied too in a way. Maul was finally contained and  would, hopefully, not hurt anyone else.

   AHSOKA: I've learned from the best, including you.

   BO-KATAN: [looks surprised] I wish I was good at something  other than war. [looks over the city, smoke is rising up from  everywhere]

The surprise was evident on Satine's face. Ever since they were  small her sister was fascinated by war and wanted to be a warrior. Now,  that she experienced it first hand her opinion had apparently changed.

   AHSOKA: You people need a new kind of leader.

   BO-KATAN: My sister tried that. I never understood her idealism.

   [the people are coughing and helping each other, they seem injured and weak]

Satine smiled sadly. She had to reconnect with her sister, but  how could she? Right now her sister was still part of Death Watch and  following her own idealism of war and violence. She hadn't seen what  Satine had seen, she wouldn't listen.

   REX: Commander. I have the council waiting.

   AHSOKA: And Master Skywalker? Were you able to contact him?

   REX: He was at the meeting when I left to get you.

   BO-KATAN: Go on. I can handle this.

   [Ahsoka nods at Bo-Katan and leaves with Rex]


   [Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Aayla Secura are resent as holograms]

   WINDU: I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi. The dark side of the Force surrounds the Chancellor.

Anakin's rather happy mood instantly disappeared. He clenched his  jaw and forced out: "Even insinuating that is treason." Nobody answered  him. He was too stoic for his own good and wouldn't listen anyway.

   KI-ADI-MUNDI: If he does not give up his emergency powers  after the destruction of Grievous then he should be removed from office.

   WINDU: The Jedi Council would have to take control of the senate in order to secure a peaceful transition.

   YODA: To a dark place, this line of thought will carry us. Hmm. Great care, we must take.

Anakin tensed and Ahsoka felt anger lingering in the force around  him. Maul's words came back into her mind. She could recognize the same  expression of worry on Obi-Wan's face.

   [the doors open, Ahsoka and Rex come in]

   WINDU: I understand you mission was a success.

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