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Originally Written: April 2020

Okay, okay so in Everblaze Councillor Terik took a reading of Keefe's potential and says he's the most fascinating person he's read, second only to Sophie. He said specifically that Keefe's potential for bad was off the charts—as was his good. Terik then said that Keefe's potential for bad even surpassed Sophie's . . .

So I wan to apply this to any theories I have about Keefe's new ability, and for how book 9 will play out. (✺Legacy) Using this comparison of the amount of potential sensed, we can determine that Sophie is at least slightly more powerful then Keefe will be with his new ability, maybe. Because we don't know much about Descrying as a ability, it's hard to say if Terik's first reading sensed the potential of a Keefe with this new ability. But for the sake of this theory, we're going to assume that Terik sensed the potential of Keefe with this new ability, and that he will be at least slightly less powerful that Sophie, since the amount of potential was a little less fascinating than her.

So using this, and that Councillor Terik wasn't really concerned about the potential for bad, I say it's safe to say that whatever Keefe's new ability is, it's only a little less powerful than Sophie's five abilities. So if things really do take a turn for the worse . . . in a ability vs. ability fight, Sophie would probably still win. So with that scary idea out in the open, let me explain why I think this is all important.

I would like to make it known that I believe that Keefe isn't suddenly going to become a bad guy, and that he isn't going to become evil. But I also think Shannon wouldn't give Keefe a crazy powerful ability, and the just give that power to the good guys' side, that's just poor writing. So I think we have four general ways this could go, ranging from really good and really bad.

The Too Good To Be True Scenario: Keefe is understandably freaked about the new ability. He works with Sophie (and likely some of our elemental ability friends) and after some mishaps, and assurances that Sophie doesn't hate him and isn't afraid of him, he finally learns how to control this ability, and it helps them take the Neverseen down.

The Okay and a Sort of Too Easy Scenario: Keefe is understandably freaked about the new ability, but thinks he can still be a part of missions/the ability doesn't appear at first, and while on a mission, he accidentally loses control/the ability appears and he hurts Sophie and/or a lot of the main crew. While the group is healing up, Keefe with the help of Sophie/the motivation to make Sophie proud, starts to learn control. His new ability eventually helps them defeat the Neverseen.

The Bad and Sort of Unexpected But Strangely Likely Scenario: Keefe is understandably freaked, but thinks he can still be a part of missions/the ability doesn't appear at first, and while on a mission, he accidentally loses control/the ability appears and he hurts Sophie and/or a lot of the main crew. Keefe freaks out, and feels super guilty, which makes him reckless. Keefe, out of fear of hurting anyone else (especially Sophie), runs away and essentially goes rogue. No one can find him. We finally see him again once he's learned control and comes to save the day/or when Sophie finally tracks him down/or when Sophie reaches out telepathically in a emergency.

The Absolute Worse Scenario, With the Exclusion of the One Where Keefe Dies Scenario: Keefe is understandably freaked about his new ability, but thinks he can still be a part of missions/the ability doesn't appear at first, and while on a mission, he accidentally loses control/the ability appears and he hurts Sophie and/or a lot of the main crew. Keefe freaks out, and feels super guilty, which makes him reckless. His mom takes advantage of this, and convinces him that she can teach him how to control it if he comes to her. Keefe is desperate, and does. Lady Gisela then uses some thing to control Keefe, and the plot becomes all about how they can get Keefe back. They finally do, and Keefe helps them end the Neverseen.

So this obviously excludes a lot. I like how I think that in book 9 we'll be fighting two bad guys, Vespera and Lady Gisela, because Vespera has a very different vision that Lady Gislea. I think there might be a lot of saving the human race, the goblins, and maybe the Council. I also think that Keefe's ability centers around controlling quintessence. I mean Legacy talks about it a lot, It's the only element (i.e. Fire/Sun, Water, Earth, Air, Light, Shadowflux, and quintessence) that doesn't have a special ability, and quintessence is kind of the combination of Shadowflux and pure light which would explain what they did to Keefe.

So in short, I'm not sure it's possible to finish this series in one novella and a book, so maybe there will be a book 10? Any other predictions? Do you think I got something wrong? Also any title ideas for book 9?

And, yes, I know "Where is the Everblaze Neverseen?!?" It's on the way, but I got sidetracked while writing it, and wrote this. So consider this a peace offering to keep you busy until I can get the Neverseen Analysis finished!

I hope you have a nice day,

The Keeper Squad!

PS: Are you stuck in self-isolation because of the coronavirus, too? If so, what have you been doing to keep busy?

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