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"Where are we?" Anakin looked around and frowned in confusion. He,  Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Yoda, Mace Windu, Rex, and Cody were in a movie  theater. Instead of answering Ahsoka asked: "Where are my lightsabers?"  The others searched for their weapons as well and found them missing.

Suddenly text appeared on a screen they had paid no mind to before.

   "Don't be scared, you are safe where you are. My identity and your  location are not important at the moment, more important is what you  are about to experience. I will show you the future. The end of the  clone wars, to be exact. If you wonder if you can trust me or the  footage... trust in the force."

Nobody said a word until Mace complained: "I do not see why we are in  this constellation. If we are about to see the future, shouldn't the  whole council be here? Not three members, a knight, and a Padawan?"

Ahsoka didn't know how she felt about the fact that he didn't even acknowledge the troopers. A new text appeared on the screen.

   "Everything is how it is supposed to be. Now, I have to introduce you to one more guest."

A bright light illuminated the room and suddenly Duchess Satine of  Mandalore stood before them. She eyed the other people in the room for a  second and sighed. "Satine?" Obi-Wan sounded confused and in a way  protective, which made Mace and Yoda exchange looks.

Satine sighed and announced: "This... entity already told me what it  told you. Let's see why I am here and what our future holds." She didn't  give Obi-Wan a second glance as she strode to him and settled down on  the seat next to him where he was still standing. At the same time, a  new text popped up.

   "Please follow the Duchess's lead and get settled in. Whenever you  speak the video will stop automatically and will resume once you are  finished talking. Also, please, no fighting."

The Jedi glanced at each other with confusion in their eyes but  settled down as requested. They could feel that indeed the force was  completely content with what was happening.

Mace and Yoda, who had been suspiciously quiet, sat in the back, then  Satine, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka and in front of them the two  clones.


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