The Night of the Sacrifice

Start from the beginning

Klaus nudged Rylands leg, The blonde let out a smile and pet his soft fur. Elijah was starring at His friend and brothers interaction, he had a soft smile on his lips knowing Klaus was about to be change for the better. "Go Klaus I need to talk to Elijah I'll find you" the black wolf nodded before taking off into the night.

Ryland slowly look at Elijah "I'm sorry" the said simultaneously. Causing them to laugh. Ryland could never stay mad at Elijah sure they were crossed with each other but that was over as soon as Elijah saved Klaus.

"You have nothing to be sorry for angel you were doing what you felt was right I could never be mad at you for that" Elijah said pulling Ryland into a much need hug "now go my brother is waiting for you" he said placing a kiss on her forehead. The girl nodded before stripping shamelessly and taking off into the night.


Klaus and Ryland were running fast through the wood side by side, each finding comfort in each other's presence. The wind was moving through there fur and Klaus had never felt more free for the first time in forever (Cue Frozen) he felt happy. All he need now was his hybrid army and to once and for all end Mikael.

Ryland was equally happy she never really turned anymore, Elijah didn't really understand that part of her and it not that fun 'running' alone. She had a feeling that Klaus and her were going to be good friends. Ryland heard a snap of a twig and stopped abruptly as did Klaus. They followed the sound leading them to a group of campers eating by a campfire peacefully, Ryland nudged the hybrid telling him to go for it. The whole night he was after people, the blonde didn't free the same desire for human blood so she happily watched.

Elijah on the other hand didn't know how much longer he could take clean up his brothers messes. But he did it anyway wanting this to be over so he could have his family back. He approached Ryland running his hand down her back. The white wolf (Ryland) looked up at him. "He's make another mess" the suited original complained Rolling her eye "let him have this" the original heard in his head and sighed but nodded in agreement nonetheless.


It was morning the two wolves fell asleep next to each other. Ryland was never a morning person but there was something about waking up in the woods that made her smile. She tried to get up but was anchored down by an arm who was holding her tightly. Klaus began to stir, Elijah approach the duo not impressed a frown gracing his face "Niklaus" he snapped causing the hybrid to jolt awake "stop man handling Ryland and get dress" he yelled at his smirking brother. Who was quite amused by the situation

Ryland cheek heated up. "Calm down brother" he said getting up offering a hand to Ryland who took it not bothering to cover herself. Elijah's eyes shifted to Rylands "let's not do this again darling" he said offering her the clothes.

She crosses her arms in disapproval "what have I told you about walking me up" she complained. Elijah eyes never wavered from hers. The same couldn't be said about Klaus, who shamelessly ran his eyes up and down her body. Elijah sighed giving her the ice coffee she failed to notice he had. The girl eyes brighten and slipped into one of Elijah dress shirts that went down to her mid thigh.

She took in Klaus's appearance and glared at the older original. "Why the hell does he get a full outfit and I get this" the girl said gesturing down to her shirt. The original shrugged in response smiling. The girl gasped "your an ass" she pushed his chests when the original broke out into a laugh. Klaus stood there confused. Ryland notice his confusion, and explained "this is his attempt of revenge" she said patting Elijah chest.

Klaus was still confused but nodded anyway "I believe we had a deal Niklaus" Elijah said to his brother who was putting on his jacket.

"Ah what was it" he said pretending think "Ah yes you want to be reunited with our family" Klaus said smirking.

"We have a deal brother" Elijah growled at his younger brother. Ryland notice the tension and rubbed soothing circles on Elijah shoulder "Ah yeah and what kind of brother would I be if I didn't honor it, even though you did try to kill me" Ryland sighed knowing this was going to end terrible. "Don't we're Elijah all is forgiven" he stated walking away. Ryland and Elijah trailing behind him.

"You weren't kidding when you said dramatic, now I know how you can put up with me." The blonde said with a smile. Elijah chuckled. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders.



If any of you guy are confused like Klaus in Elijah revenge it was because she walked through the forest naked last time she shifted make her and Elijah late to the historical party thing! Better explained in 'submit or die'

Also can anyone explain to me how rankings work on Wattpad it's confusing?

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