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I took a step outside the house not wanting to be late to the entrance exams. I took a deep breath relaxing as I pulled the hoodie down over my arms and double-checked in a hand mirror I had in my bag to make sure any bruises were covered. I wasn't with my mom this week so it was a bit of a living hell for now at least until I can go back to her house next week. It took me two hours before I finally made my way to the large school. I smiled walking in and I had hearing aids covered by my (h/c) hair. I settled myself in a seat and listened to the hero, present mic.

- a long explanation later-

I stood outside the gate waiting for the exam to start as it did and I took off quickly using my quirk to lift the boots and collide them. I smiled as I continued. My quick is telekinesis. A very strong version of it since both my parents have a mind related quirk. I can lift objects and people and also restrict the movement of somebody as long as I can see them. I went from bot to bot slamming them into each other. The drawback of my quirk adds pressure to my head as it's a mental quirk. Sometimes it can cause me to bleed from points like my nose ears and even my eyes. It takes a lot to hit that limit though. I was getting bored of just smashing the bots together and decided to change it up starting to crush them to scraps of metal. It worked and I could use it like a bowling ball. I went to attack another bot but a loud explosion hit it and I backed up. And winced from a slight ringing. I looked up and glared at the boy when the ringing stopped. I sighed as I started to rush away to another part of the area. I looked around for more bots when there was a slight panic. The zero pointer had been released as a piece of rubble almost hit me. I stopped it with my quirk. I did the same, protecting others as rocks fell at points. A few moments later without warning the test was over. I began to walk out. My hearing was a bit off so I brought my hand to my ear to make sure I had the hearing aids. I had both but one seemed to have busted. On the way out I saw the ash-blond walking with very strong confidence. By the way, he stood, walked, and moved. It was an instant tell that talking to him was a bad decision.

When I got home I made sure to hide the aids as I snuck to my room and locked the door. I was lucky he wasn't home or worse home and drunk or home with his so-called buddies. I shivered as I slowly dozed off into sleep.

A week later I got the letter "HEY USELESS THERE IS A FUCKING LETTER YOU BETTER HAVE GOTTEN IN AT LEAST MAKE YOUR QUIRK USEFUL!" I could barely hear him as I went downstairs and opened the letter i saw all might and smiled getting excited as I saw the results second to a kid named bakugo katsuki. My father waited till it was over before grabbing me, shoving me to a wall harshly before tossing me to the floor. "Get in with a better score. You useless brat" I coughed wincing slightly when he first met my chin he didn't want to kill me just put me through the pain so he used the back of his hand pressing against my neck. The pain shot through, causing me to tear up. The most painful part of his torment was when he did this. I can't produce much more than a scratchy noise when I attempt to talk and it hurts like hell because of an injury I got when I was younger. My hearing was also busted because of it. My father was drunk driving me from my mom's here. No matter how much my mom tries to get full custody my father wins. All thanks to his money and how little she makes as a cleaning lady or hire.

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