Chapter 2

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Grampa’s eyes softened. “Neterus. Devas. Titans. Avatars. Nephilim. We’ve been called many names by different people throughout history, but few know the truth. We are the Guardians, and we protect humans against evil forces.”

Oh God, Bran was right—Grampa was a demon-hunter. A cold knot tightened in my stomach. I couldn’t speak, so I just stared at Grampa and shivered.

He patted my arm. “Why don’t I make us some hot cocoa while we talk?”

I didn’t move, couldn’t move. “So we’re not gypsies?”

“No, sweetheart. A Guardian must assume a new identity every few decades to blend in with humans. I’ve found the gypsies to be the most accommodating of human tribes.”

Apprehension slithered through me like a gazillion snakes, and my knees trembled as he helped me off the bed. My head swam as I stepped over pencils and books without stopping to pick them up. Avatars. Titans. Beings I’d only read about in mythology and fantasy were real? And my grandfather was a demon-hunter?

“Are we human?” I asked in a whisper.

“We are, and we aren’t.”

I put a shaky hand to my head, fatigue lapping at my senses. “What do you mean?”

“We’re descendants of the Watchers sent to Earth at the beginning of time to guard mankind. They fell in love with human women, and their children became a new race, the Nephilim—our forefathers. So, yes, we do have human blood in us. While our forefathers corrupted humans, we chose to continue the work the original Watchers were sent to do.” The skin around his lips creased as he measured every word. “Every now and then, a child is born with the ability to manipulate elements. That child is sent to Earth to train and learn to blend in with humans. He or she becomes a Cardinal Guardian.”

I shook my head and leaned against the wall separating my bedroom from the bathroom. “Sent to Earth from where?”

“Xenith, a parallel universe and our home.”

But I wasn’t born in Xenith, which meant I couldn’t be one of them. Or was my birth certificate a forgery? I shook my head, hating the fact that I was beginning to accept this nightmare as the truth. Why should I believe Grampa? He’d lied to me for years.

I was angry and miserable and didn’t want to talk anymore. Not to him. “Were you ever going to tell me the truth, Grampa?” The words shot from my mouth against my will.

He stood before me, an arm’s length from the door leading outside, and rubbed his goatee. “Yes, when you came into your powers. That happens when a child reaches sixteen.” His eyes probed mine. “You started hearing my conversations with the other Guardians two weeks ago, didn’t you?”

My eyes widened. “You knew?”

An indulgent smile crossed his lips. “Of course.”

Had he any idea how scared I’d been? “Why didn’t you say something?”

“You weren’t ready.”

“I’m still not,” I yelled at him. “And if I hadn’t shown any powers? What then?”

He frowned and shook his head. “Your case is different, special, because you were born here on Earth and my Flora…your grandmother was human, a gypsy.”

Thank goodness that wasn’t a lie. “Does that mean you’d never have told me? Ever?”

“Sweetheart, I don’t set the code. Like any society, we have rules and regulations. Without them, we wouldn’t survive or fulfill our destiny. Our existence must be kept a secret. We can’t risk the chance of a leak and end up in some secret government building as lab rats. Humans are very wary of the unknown.”

Awakened: Prequel GL SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now