The room became heavy and the atmosphere definitely changed very quickly. 

His wife interrupted. 

" Well! Now that we're all well acquainted we might as well show you to your quarters for now." 

" Oh, where are my manners my name is Gyokuen Ren and these are my children, Ren Kouen, Ren Koumei, Ren Kouha, Ren Kougyoku, Hakuei Ren and Hakuryuu Ren." 

[Dang that's a lot of kids...] 

" Please follow us." 

" I would like to speak to the Magis alone please." said the King. 

I stared at Sinbad and the gang and then back at the King. 

Everyone made their way outside while I stayed behind next to Judar. 

 " Sorry to keep you behind but, I would love it if you and Judar could get well acquainted." said the King. 

" Yes of course!" I said. 

" Yes," said Judar is a very monotoned and unbothered tone. 

Both Judar and I finally made our way out of the throne room into the palace courtyards. 

" Ah finally!~," said Judar as he stretched and had a belated smile on his face. 

" We can fight now right!" said Judar as he stared at me. 

" Hey, you have nice robes on, and do you really think the King would think we were getting along if we fought?" I said. 

" Tch, your no fun...BUT you do promise to fight me then soon right?" asks Judar. 

" Yeah YEah, sure I promise..." I look down at him with his pink out. 

" Pinkie Promise?" asks Judar. 

[Omg he's such a baby...] 

I chuckle, " Fine Fine I pinkie Promise that the next time when the time is right AND your stronger, that I'll fight you." I say. 

"What?! You think you're stronger than me?" says Judar. 

" Yep and I don't need to fight you in order to find out." I look at him with a smug look on my face. 

" Ha! Alright you'll see I'll get stronger and when I'm older I'll fight ya!...and I'LL win." Judar says with a smug look on his face. 

[Judar acts very different when he's with the royal family then he's with me...] 

"Hey, Judar! Come and play with me!" screams Kougyoku as she runs towards us. 

" I don't wanna! If your gonna put makeup on me again I swear next time ill punch ya in the face!" says Judar. 

"Hey that's mean!" screams Kougyoku as she pouts and turns to look at me. 

"You're that girl from earlier!"

" How about you play with me!" 

" Um, sure I might not know how though hehe," I said as Kougyoku pulls me away from Judar and leads me to her quarters. 

A couple of hours go by playing with Kougyoku dress up, princess, and a bunch of other games involving makeup and dresses. 

" Hey, Princess Kougyoku do you always play by yourself?" I ask. 

" Call me Kougyoku when my mom or dad isn't here, oh yeah most of the time. My other sisters are older so they don't have the time for this kind of stuff," she says with a sad look on her face. 

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