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The manager of Anteiku Yoshimura and Touka take Kaneki back to Anteiku while I follow closely behind them in the shadows. They take him inside the café and I sit outside waiting to see what happens, I should have known to keep an eye on him after that sketchy operation I sigh. After about 15 minutes Kaneki exits the store with a small package in his hand, he sees me in the corner I was waiting on and runs away like he was scared of me. "Awesome" I roll my eyes and walk to the entrance of Anteiku and knock on the locked door. The door opens revealing Yoshimura, "I was wondering when you would come inside" he smiles and lets me in. I walk in and Touka looks shocked to see me, "What are you doing here?" she growls as she looks at me angrily. "We need to talk about some things" I answer as I sit down at the counter, "I agree" the old ghoul states as he stands behind the counter, Touka groans as she walks over and sits next to me. "So, you are a friend of Kaneki's yes?" he asks me, I nod, "and I'm assuming you weren't aware of Kaneki's current situation until tonight?" he questions, "Right" I say, "Are you aware of the surgery that took place?" he asks, "I am" I respond, "wait what?" Touka questions, "There was an organ transplant 3 months ago, between two men, a ghoul and a human. The doctor took it upon himself to use the dead ghoul's organs to save the young man" Yoshimura explains, "And that was him?" she asks, Yoshimura nods at this. "Yea, I was the one who killed the ghoul that night" I admit, "That was you?!" Touka gasps loudly, "You killed Kota?" Yoshimura raises an eyebrow. "Yea, he was going to kill Kaneki and I stepped in, is that an issue?" I ask, "Not at all for us, Kota was starting to bring attention of the CCG to the 20th ward, so his death is more beneficial to us than harmful" Yoshimura explains. "So, what are we gonna do about Kaneki?" I ask them, they both look at me with raised eyebrows. "We?" Yoshimura smiles, "Look, I know you had your guy Yomo try to bring me on board last month and I told him no, he told me to rethink it and come to you when I made my decision.... I want to-" I am cut off by Touka, "No, Manager you can't let him start working here" she scoffs at him, "and why is that Touka?" the manager questions. "Well.... ya know.... we already have enough people working here" she stammers, Yoshimura smiles at her embarrassment, "We can never have enough help around here, Y/n if you wish to join us here at Anteiku than we would be happy to have you." he smiles and offers me his hand, I reach out and shake his hand gently. "Welcome to Anteiku my friend"

~Time Skip~ 

I sit in my seat on the bus, looking out the window as cars and buildings pass by. What am I doing? Joining Anteiku? I know I said I should try to make some friends and set some roots down in this place but joining a ghoul organization? I sigh and put earbuds in my ear and press play on my phone. 

After the song ends, my destination comes into view, today is my first day at Anteiku, the manager set my schedule to work after school today so I am currently on my way to the café for my shift. The bus comes to a stop and I walk down the stairs onto the sidewalk, I make my way down the sidewalk towards Anteiku, walking through the bustling crowd. I turn into the entrance of the café and enter the café, the little bell ringing signaling my entry. "Welcome to.... oh, it's you" a female voice groans, I look to see Touka in her café clothes looking at me. "Morning to you too, Touka" I smile, she seems surprised by my positive attitude as she sweeps the floor. I walk over to her, "So what do I need to do?" I ask, she stops sweeping, "go into the back, I'll be back there in a minute to help you get your uniform" she sighs. "sure thing, thanks for the help Touka" I smile at her. She blushes slightly, "Yea yea, get back there and don't touch anything" she waves me off. 


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Katharsis (Tokyo Ghoul x Male Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now