Chapter 3 - Life

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One week later, Tony was still experiencing heart palpitations and he could have sworn there were times when he couldn't breathe at all. But the weird thing was he couldn't find anything wrong with him to explain his symptoms. When he was alone at night he was able to hear high pitched beeping sounds ringing in a particular pattern but he'd open his eyes and he would see nothing that was out of the ordinary. What was happening to him? Being the genius he was, Tony was usually able to understand everything but this had got him stumped. He even still felt at times a tight, secure hold gripping and stroking his hand at times. What was that all about?

Of course those sounds could have been a dream

Yeah, except..

It's the same sounds every night..

However there was one cure that took all his ailements away whenever she was near him, within sight. Pepper. Something about her presence made Tony feel so at ease, giving him the chance to relax. She was his shining light, and it was because of her why he changed from being the man he used to be to become someone better.

Much to Pepper's confusion, Tony wanted to spend nearly every moment with her. Sure they were in love, but still! He would follow her to work like a lost puppy dog, always giving her the excuse that he cared for her and wanted to check up on her. She had to admit it was sweet, he was acting more adorable than usual. Prompting the woman to wonder whether Tony knew something she was keeping from him.

Tony was in the living, lying across the couch, a cushion over his face to try and rid the overwhelming discomfort in his head which only began to fade once he heard Pepper open and close the front door. She had urged him repeatedly not to follow her into work today and at last he had the decency to oblige to her request. "You seem unusually happy today, good day at the office?" Tony welcomed his girlfriend home with a kiss, standing back up from the couch.

"Mhm," Pepper wore an irremovable elated smile, kissing Tony back before sitting down, it had been a long few hours, but it was always worth it when she came back to him at the end of the day. "And the man who waits at home for me makes it even better," she chuckled, leaning back as Tony massaged her tight muscles in her shoulders.

"Well I am incredibly good looking," Tony chuckled, his hands working on Pepper's shoulders, giving her a few kisses at the back of her neck. "I missed you...why did you leave me like that?" the grown man pouted childishly.

"Baby I was only gone for five hours, surely you can look after yourself for that long at least without getting into trouble?" Pepper rolled her eyes lightly with a soft chuckle, enjoying the treatment Tony was giving her. "Is my TeddyBear enough of a genius to do that?" she teased, reaching up to stroke Tony's jawline.

"Of course, I'm a Stark, being a genius is part of the whole package," Tony joked, wrapping his arms around Pepper's neck as he stood behind the couch.

Pepper sighed, a helpless blush flooded her cheeks as Tony kissed her lovingly. The now former playboy with an unbelievably huge ego and pride could really be a hopeless romantic to her at times. And Pepper adored that side of him, the side that he never let anyone see. "I wonder if they will be too.." she accidentally pondered aloud. Obviously her words just had to be caught by Tony's ears as he frowned a bit towards her, stroking her cheek a little.

"What do you mean they...?" he wasn't known as a genius for nothing. Tony's eyes widened at the revelation he had just deduced, pulling away from Pepper. "How long have you known?"

How Tony managed to decipher her secret so quickly actually did not surprise Pepper in the slightest. He was bound to have noticed a change in her behaviour and appetite eventually. "I'm actually six weeks gone..." Pepper was a litte hesitant to confess, Tony was the father after all but with him being who he was, his reaction was not going to pretty.

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