League Of Villains?

Start from the beginning

 "Hey Dolly you miss me?"

 A familiar deep voice said to me. Scrambling up to my feet to see a smirking blue eyed man looking at me. 


My siblings scream, running up to him and taking him into a hug almost falling down in the process. 

"Dib Dab looking patchy as ever, did you get your staples cleaned they look extra shinny today."

 I say giggling and outreaching my hand to help him up and out of the dog pile. He chucked slightly as we all silently looked at the flames burning, trying to heat up our freezing body's.

 "The League of Villains." Dabi says in a quiet tone staring off into the flames erupting from out of the old metal barrel. 

"uh, nani the fuc-" Getting cut off by the black haired man beside me. 

" I told you I could help you, the League of Villains is were I go every day to carry out the Hero Killers beliefs and I think they can help you too."  

He looked over at me waiting for a response to what he said wanting a good response from me. 

"Sure why not if they can help me fulfill my promise to Emma then I'm in, but what am I gonna do with them?" I say pointing to the three kids, getting a sigh beside me.

 "Your gonna have to leave them for a bit, Hand-job will kill them and I think that the opposite of what you want.

"Looking at him wide eyed, shocked that he would say that, about to tell him off but he cut in first. "You can meet them and come right back, they can survive a couple days by themselves."

 I look at my family them back to Dabi questioning if I should or not, and if my sibling would be safe. 

"Fine take me away to your League but if I'm gone for too long I'm coming strait back, deal?" I look at him start in the eyes and stretching out my hand for a handshake to seal out deal. 

"Deal." With that he started to drag me away from the fire and into the street.

"Wait were leaving NOW?" I say looking at him speechless. 

"Yeah, hey Brats I'm going to take your Sis for a wile you can survive on your own right?" 

He glances back at them looking for permission to go. They all nod in your direction before going back talking among themselves. That was the send off to The League of Villains. 

Le Mini Time Skip 

"And this is the place, hope you like alcohol and people who need to go to a mental hospital."

 Giggling at the last comment, Dabi and I step inside the villains base, to see a bar in descant condition. On my left hand side I see a bunch booths with clean tables, that are practically empty, my right I see a bar with red stools with two people sitting there and a guy? Mist? Standing behind It cleaning some glasses. People hearing the door open turn there attention to me and Dabi having many different reaction. 

"Before you ask wack-job this is not my girlfriend, Boss I found us a new recruit and she has a strong quirk." 

Dabi said in a bored emotionless tone stepping out of the way for them to see me. 

"Uh hi" I say with a little awkward wave not liking the attention on me and only me. 

"HI I'm Himiko Toga your supper cute we should be friends, can I have your blood?" 

A girl with blond hair in to twin buns, wearing a school uniform, said in a way to happy tone. 'Ah so this is what you mean by people who need a mental hospital' I think to myself glancing at Dabi.

"Who the hell is this chick, she need to back off because she is freaking me the fuck out" I agreed with Venom this time, this girl is whack.

"She doesn't look like she's very strong, I bet she can barely do anything, why should I let he join?" 

My eye twitching at the snarky remark looking at the culprit, I see a very crusty man wearing all back, had light blue hair and a hand covering his face. 'Ah this must be Hand-job'.

  "It looks like he hasn't seen a tube of Chapstick in his entire life." 

I giggle at the comment Venom made getting a weird look from Dabi. 

"What are you laughing at you week bitch!"

I immediately stop and look at him, he has some nerve calling me week ass bitch, only Venom can call me that and get away with it. Pissed off I let a black tentacle shoot out of my hand to attack him, when suddenly a purple portal appears in front of him making my attack hit a wall. 

"Miss please don't attack him." Mist dude said.  

Venom thinks its the best time to come out now, so he pops out in his snaky like form. 

"What the fuck is up (Kyle), the party has arrived!" 

Internally face palming at him being an idiot. Everyone was a little stunned to see Venom coming out of my body but Crusty desisted to have a chat with him. 

"So your the girls quirk, what can you do?" Raisin king asked to Venom ignoring me all together.

" When this girl says 'Mask' I will automatically coat her body with a cool fucking suit. Being covered by me, we can control the black liquid to do what we want witch is also me. I shape shift, including the ability to form spikes or expand  size witch is fucking cool. I can heal this dumb ass when she's hurt, like a regeneration quirk. We communicate telepathically but as you can see I can come out to talk to you. I can produce black webbing but that's only when she's stable. 

Venom enplanes to him acting like he's the shit, way too confident for my liking I got to get credit for this too. 

"Ya I guess you could say I'm pretty fucking amazing." I chime in with a wicked smirk on my face, matching with Dabi. 

Hand-job starts scratching his neck aggressively for a bit thinking of what the hell to do with you, he can't let such power go to waist.

"Is he okay?" 

I whisper to Dabi beside me getting a shrug as a reply, kind of uncomfortable how  the scratching looks. 

"Jesus Christ fine ill let you join but you got to prove yourself to me, get ready for a test of faith" 

He said in anger but I light up with joy thankful for a chance.

"Eye Eye Captain Raisin I wont let you down!"

 I say wile saluting like a sailor 'This is it (Y/n) your one step closer to keeping your promise to Emma and the kids.' Its gonna be one hell of a ride!    


Word Count: 1713

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