Lost in the Forest

Start from the beginning

I swear Someone bus still watching me. Yes you're probably thinking it's Juana and the children.

But the eyes I saw in the forest and a tall figure. Tells me someone or something else is watching me.

Then Malay comes I expect him to be the same indo and Malay gonna play with the children. But no he is

"PHIL AME IS HERE" Malay shouts. My heart dropped. Oh no he's HERE.
I quickly tell Juana to get the children out of here.

No no no no why why is he here. I don't wanna see him again......

After what he's done. I'm not going back to him.

And then u see Ame flying fast towards me and yells "PHIL!!!! DID YOU MISS ME" AND Indo behind him.

Before ame could take me. Indo attacks him. And Malay helps Indo.



"WE'LL FIND YOU LATER, OKAY?" Indo yells. Before Malay could say but. Indo glares at him and also to me.

I have no. Choice so I Ran in the forest . This is a death wish I think to myself. We were never allowed here. Why you ask?. Because there's more of us here. But they aren't stable and they can kill.

Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears.

Wild animals.

Phil stopped running when he heard footsteps but not his Footsteps.

He was scared.

He was shaking

"Oh what do we have here?" Someone said.

Phil turned around slowly and he saw Spain. Before Spain could still go out of the forest. But because he scratched  Phil, making him bleed he got cast out in the forest.

Phil is not very happy to see Spain.
But Spain is very happy to see his little bunny again.

"What brings you here my little pip? Miss me?" Spain says and gets closer and closer.

Phil is very scared he can't even scream.

He wants to leave this forest now.

Phil and Spain are very close now.

Phil still can't move because he's to scared.

Just before Spain could again scratch Phil. Spain gets punched by a wolf an he gets slashed in the chest by nails. He's still alive tho. Ofcourse Spain is really pissed. But when he saw who it is he just backed away and ran.

The wolf wearing ushanka looked at Phil. And left.

Phil was now confused.

Meanwhile in another part of the forest Ame, Indo and Malay are racing to go to Philip.

But they can't find him.

Then before he gets up. A Hyena comes. Now Phil is scared again.

Then a black eagle, Vulture, and a bat comes down Quickly and says "STOP SCARING THE BUNNY CANADA"  the three said.

And now they are all looking at Phil.

"Forgive our manners I am Germany a Black Eagle, and that Hyena is Canada he's not gonna hurt you he's just Messing with you" Germany said.

"Yeah sorry little bunny" Canada says

"I am New Zealand and I'm a bat, Be aware I'm not a fruit bat" Zealand says

"Hi and I'm Egypt and I'm a Vulture, don't worry I won't eat you, Canada and Zealand might" Egypt says and suddenly gets elbowed in the stomach by Germany.

"Ouch a-Alright I'm sorry I'm sorry jeez, I'm sorry you son of a shark"

(Don't ask how they reproduce don't ask. I don't have a reason how a lion and a peacock have sons that are an eagle, a Bat, a wolf and a Hyena. I don't have an explanation 😅😵🤣😂 and. How a shark has a black eagle for a son)

"Are you lost?" Germany says and Phil nods. "Stick with us if you wanna live, were still sane unlike the others that are hostile and will Kill you" Zealand says

"Yeah and especially you being a cute little bunny it'll be hard for anyone to be sane" Canada says and he also gets elbowed by Germany.

"There's ones that is still fine although they hunt other non countryanimals there's a leopard and his name is mexico, and also there's a big lake here and there's a crocodile and a shark the shark kills if you attack him" Germany explains to Phil.

"Yes so in short DONT go the lake they might attack you" Egypt says.

"Oh and also there's a bamboo forest here and there's a panda his name is China but he has sharp class and if you get near his pandas he'll slice you into pieces got it?" Canada says
Phil is Terrified hearing those stories.

And he just nods. "Because you don't seem like you're deserving to die I guess we'll let you live by protecting you from the others, but be ware there's another one we can't protect you from him he's a wolf with an ushanka he's the alpha no one messes with him" Germany says

"Yes he's the alpha, my twin Brother is a wolf aswell but he looks like me but he has a hat not an ushanka, he's wild but he won't kill you" Zealand says.

"We're gonna go for a bit be careful well comeback later, yell if you get attacked, and It's kill or be killed here the others have no mercy but we have taken a liking on you so we won't kill ya g bye and stay alive" Egypt says.

And now Phil is in panic mode. But he  tells himself he needs to stay calm.

He's not as strong as the others. After all he's just a bunny. And he doesn't bring weapons because he hates fighting.

He thinks about the alpha that they said. A wolf with an ushanka? The wolf that saved him had an ushanka. And Spain didn't fight back but usually Spain does.

He decides to look around. And have a walk in the forest.

He then gets a feeling of getting watched and he hears Breathing not his.

That's because there's a wolf Watching him.

Meanwhile with Malay and Indo


And Indo feels guilty. Instead of protecting Phil he got Phil in more trouble than just America.

He feels stupid it's all his fault.

While they are sulking let's go back to Phil.

Phil is a rabbit bunny.  So The only way he could protect himself is by locating where the enemy is and to run as quick as possible.

So he just runs around the forest.

He doesn't know what to do.

What will he do he can't protect himself against predators and he can't fly.

(Countryhuman) Deep In The Forest (My Prey) (Human Animals AU)Where stories live. Discover now