chapter 19 A dead rose with blood

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'Hey, Lika. What's with the nickname Lika? Don't tell me it has a deep meaning too'

'Hmm, no. It's just from a name'

'What is it?'


'It's an interesting name' Zack says, admitting his feelings about it. Zack tries to remember if he had heard it before, but he doesn't seem to remember anything relating to the name. Phil notices that Zack is deep in thought, so he continues on with what he's doing. It's best not to bother the man.

About a few minutes later, Philip starts to hum a nice tune. Zack has told Philip to keep quiet but he's not going to lie, Phil's humming is quite soothing and pleasant to hear. 'Oh, are you done? Do you want some fruits?' Philip offers him a bowl of freshly cut fruits. Zack stands up and walks towards Philip. This action makes Phil put the bowl of fruits down on the table for Zack to eat. Phil then goes to get a spoon for Zack.

Quite a while after Zack started eating fruits, he placed his spoon down on the table to drink some water. He then started intently at Philip. Suddenly, a thought came up in his mind...

'Mahal' Zack said in a calm voice.

Phil was at peace, he even seemed quite happy a while ago, but as soon as Zack said "Mahal", Phil suddenly looked terrified. Zack's used to the stares of other people with evident fear in their eyes but he's uncomfortable when they seem scared even though he's trying to be nice. Zack is confused... did he do something wrong? He just said one word.

Zack tries his best to be calm, he walks towards Phil to check up on him. Who knows if he's suddenly having a random heart attack or something?

'Don't touch me' Philip yells it like a command.

Zack is bewildered to hear these words.

He didn't do anything wrong... di he?

'Don't... Don't call me that!'

'Don't you ever say that word ever again!'

Phil became so stressed out by such a small thing. He can't understand why Phil reacted like that.... What's with rhe name?

Everytime he tried to calm Phil down, get closer to him or try to put his hand on Phil's shoulder, Phil would continue to freak out. Even Zack is getting stressed out now, just by looking at Phil.

'Okay.... I won't call you that again... Calm down...Lika...'

Phil calmed down when he heard Zack say "Lika"

It's like a switch has been flipped on Philip. What just happened?

Phil's eyed were so furious, not he's all calm again.

Zack is extremely confused......

'I-... I'm sorry for reacting that way... I just... Please just don't call me that again...'

'I won't... I promise...'

Zack has a hunch that it's probably because of some trauma Phil had experienced.

The aura became tense....

When they ate at the table in front of each other, Philip didn't make eye contact. Phil would sometimes steal a glance at Zack, but he didn't look at Zack straight in his eyes...... He's very much avoiding Zack's gaze. Zack doesn't really mind because he's used to this. Him and his siblings used to avoid each other's gazes, as if they were strangers...

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