chapter 21 - back in our arms

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As they arrived at Zeal's house, Phil still on Australia's back... they are greeted with a very confused kiwi. 'Brother, why do you have him?' New Zealand asks in pure confusion. Before Zealand could reach for a gun, Australia immediately  spoke 'Calm down, brother... Philip was attacked and well... basically kidnapped? He wouldn't  tell me the whole story... he says... and I quote "It's too long, it's a very long story". All that I I make up from his ramblings is that he was kidnapped by a yellow bat, that he calls Zack. And he made Phil travel for miles-' Australia shut his mouth quickly.  Phil told him not to tell them about what happened. 'Go on? Why did you stop talking? What do you mean he got kidnapped? You're not a yellow bat, who is Zack?! Why do YOU have him?!' Australia's friends back up, taking Phil off of Australia's back. 'We better back up, just in case they start fighting they explain to Philip.

'I said speak, Australia'

'Geez! So Phil said the guy kind off kidnapped him. He says kinda because the Zack guy saved him from everyone that tried to kill him... Even I'm confused so don't ask me for more details man! Ask Phil! Phil said he was dropped off at some place, the Zack guy left him without a word. He's covered in bandages because of the journey.... he somehow made it to one of the friendly tiger villages. He's with me because I go there every week. He approached me and asked for my he'll to get to your place. We kept him safe on the way here. He was on my back because he was tired of walking'

Australia angrily  does hang gestures pointing to Philip.  'He's right here! Alive and breathing'

Zeal is speechless. He can't process all of these at once. He can't believe that someone found that place managed to get in that place, kinap Philip and so on. He's in utter disbelief.

New Zealand grabs Philip and hugs him tightly with one arm. Australia rolls his eyes at his brother, Zealbis being possessive. 'I didn't hurt him, dumbass' he mumbles. 'I heard you, asshole' zeal replies as he dials Germany's number. He tells Germany to gather the others at his house because something happened  to Philip.

When they arrived, they looked at Australia to explain what happened. 'Nope, not this. Why me? Ask philip! Sorry philip, but you're on your own. You gotta explain k them because I'm not going to repeat everything that I've said' Australia says as he gestures the peace sign to Philip before ordering his subordinates to leave with him.

'Do we have to stay? He's your pet not ours' China says. Germany commanded Philip to take off the bandages. He seems very angry so Philip did as he was told and did not question him.

They are all horrified with what they saw..... Phil is covered in bite marks... China, Brunei and Vietnam were all supposed to leave since they didn't want to be there but this caught their attention. They want to hear what phil had to say. Egypt and Canada both furrow their brows... angry... looking at Phil in this state, they can already guess what he's about to say. Mexico is also very mad that someone hurt Philip this badly, but he will explode if he knew the whole truth. 'Philip... who did this to you?' Egypt asks in a stern voice.

Philip can't just say that he tripped and fell... these are clearly bitemarks... and a stab wound... 'Did that bat guy lay his hands on you!? Is he the one that did this to you?!' Canada asks.

'No.. no... he didn't-'

'Phil don't fucking lie!!!' They all shout at him. Philip starts frowning... he doesn't want to have this conversation  again...

'But he really didn't! I swear!'

'You don't have to lie, Philip. It's evident that someone  laid their hands on you! We can smell it, Phil!'

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