chapter 15 (Germany x Phil)

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"Are you really used to the cold, Germany?" Phil asks the taller male. "Yes, and thus i would be glad to take you to the snow biome" Germany says to him. Germany then gives Philip a pair of gloves. "Do I have to wear this?" Phil asks. "No, not really but you said that you've never seen snow. It's better to wear gloves because it will be extremely cold, considering it's your first time then it's mandatory" Germany tells him which does persuade him to wear the gloves.

"What's the coldest temperature you've ever been in?" Germany asks as they walk to their destination.

"This was only one time in one place in my country, it was 6.3 degrees Celsius the temperature in my country is usually above 30 degree celci -" Germany choked in his own saliva upon hearing him say '30°c'. "Are you okay, Germany?!" Phil panicked when Germany showed signs of distress. "I'm *gasp* *cough* *cough* fine... I'm fine... Did you just say 30?!" Germany can't believe his ears.

"Uhm... Yes... 30°c above, is there something wrong? It's normal" Germany has his brows furrowed in confusion. "That's normal?!" Germany is very confused. "Why? What's the temperature in your country?" Phil asks. "The current temperature there is 7°c!" Phil drops his mouth in amazement. "WOW! 7? I wonder what that feels like" Phil is amazed at his remark.

Germany pats Phil on the head. Germany didn't expect for Philip to like him patting his head. Phil's ears went down as he smiles happily with his eyes closed. Phil is adorable. 'what the hell? What are you? Why are you.... So adorable?' Germany can feel his cheeks become flushed so he stopped patting Philip on the head.

Germany clears his throat. "Let's go, Philip" Phil frowns because Germany stopped patting him on the head. Phil held Germany's hand to come with him. "what?" "What are you doing?" Germany isn't used to this type of physical contact. "I'm holding your hand" Phil replies. Germany didn't know until now that Phil's hand is very small and his wrists are very skinny and thin. He's more nervous holding Phil's hand because he's scared that he might accidentally break it.

"Why's re you holding my hand?" Germany asks the smaller male. "Why? Can't I? I like holding hands! It makes me happy" Phil tells him with a bright smile. "Oh.... Alright... Do as you please..." Germany really can't get what's going through Phil's head. 'how could a prey... A small bunny such as you.... Freely express yourself and let your guard down to a predator such as me that could kill you and eat you at anytime....' "Germany! Hey! Germany! Hey, Germany!" "Huh? Yes Phil?"

"Look! I can see the biome!" Phil points at the new biome which looks unreal because who would believe that there's one place in a forest that is snowing and only snowing at that one place.

"Ah, were here" Germany grabs Philip to bridal carry him. Germany flies to the snow biome. This place is mostly for winged people since they don't use stairs or ladders. You need wings to get around. Phil didn't protest when he got grabbed to be bridal carried.

Once Germany set Phil down, Germany put a hand around Phil's waist to keep him close. Phil went along with it, he rests his head on Germany's chest.

"Willkommen!" They greet Germany upon his arrival. "Ah, and who is this? Is he your prey, sir Germany?" They all lay their gazes on Philip. "He's a friend and he's with me" Germany glares at them which sends a chill down their spines "er isn't mein" Germany spoke German which meant 'he's mine' they all nod, understanding. They won't try to act stupid and try to take Philip.

"Phil, do you want something to drink?"

One child comes up to them, his eyes widen in shock. His mouth is wide open. "Es ist er! Es ist er!" The child goes which makes them all confused.

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