"You can stop looking now." Renjun said loudly, the cafeteria beginning to bustle with noise again. Renjun sighed as he heard another murmur about his rudeness.

"I don't get why they keep targeting you boys." Jieun said to them.

"It seems like they're just jealous." Mina pointed out.

"Jealous of what? Our good looks? Oh wait..." Jaemin said, realizing his mistake. This caused the other boys to chuckle as the mood lightened.

"Anyways, can we talk about something OTHER than this stupid anonymous post thing." Haechan suggested. The others agreed.

"Soccer team tryouts are starting." Jeno said to them.

"Only you and Jisung would ever be interested in that." Haechan pointed out. Jeno shook his head.

"No, Jaemin is too!" Jeno replied, his tone raising at the end. Jaemin looked up at the sound of his name.

"I what?" Jaemin asked but was ignored as Haechan butted in.

"That's still only 3 out of the eight of us here! That's less than half!" Haechan argued back. The rest of the table giggled at their argument.

"I'm trying to come up with a new column for the newspaper." Mina told them, holding in her laughter.

"See that is what I call worthy information." Haechan said as Jeno pouted.

"What are you thinking of?" Jieun asked her.

"I'm not sure yet but if you have any ideas, let me know." Mina told the group.

"I'm sure you'll think of something good." Jaemin said with a small smile.


"Jisung, want to play ball after school?" Chenle asked his friend. The two were casually strolling down the hallways, making their way to class. As they walked, girls would swoon at their presence, while guys gave them looks of jealousy.

Somehow, Chenle made their uniform blazer look good, his tie loosened and shirt untucked. Meanwhile, Jisung had replaced the blazer with his varsity jacket. Jisung ran his fingers through his hair, making some girls stare in awe, before answering his friend.

"Sure, I'm down." Jisung answered.


"Let's play 3 vs. 3." Jeno told his friends gathered in the school gym. They were now out of uniform, each sporting chic t-shirts and sweatpants. News spread quickly that the boys planned on playing basketball after school and many students had gathered around.

"Okay, let's play rock, paper, scissors." Haechan suggested. The rest nodded, agreeing with the tan boy.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot." They chanted loudly. Jeno, Jisung, and Haechan threw out papers while Jaemin, Renjun, and Chenle threw out rocks. A small pout formed on Jisung's face as he saw that he wasn't with his best friend.

"Jisung, what's wrong?" Jeno asked, playing with the ball in his hands.

"I wanted to be with Chenle." Jisung said, a glimpse of hope in his eyes. Jeno looked at Haechan before turning his attention back to Jisung.

"Okay, go with them, we'll take Jaemin." Jeno said with a smirk.

"Wait, Jaemin is too good though!" Jisung said, cutely stomping his feet. The boys simply chuckled at their maknae's behaviour.

"Okay, Renjun come here." Haechan said, while Jisung ran to go hug his best friend. Renjun scoffed as he passed the two young boys.

"Pfft, I'll show you." Renjun said as Haechan ruffled his hair as he joined their team.


I was supposed to get my Reload album yesterday and now i'm convinced it's lost in the mail :(

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I was supposed to get my Reload album yesterday and now i'm convinced it's lost in the mail :(

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