"Sophie's Ipod comes in handy at times." She said, giving me a wink. I do remember sharing some music with her before, I guess she liked it.

The bells rang, signifying that it's lunch time. "So, I guess I've been saved by the bell?"


Keefe gave me a disappointed look and I just softly slap his arm. "It's not that bad." I told him.

He tried giving me the silent treatment, but failed when I bribed him with some mallowmelt. He pouted, but accepted the offer and took one.

On our way to the cafeteria, I saw an envelope placed on top of our usual table.

My name was written in gold cursive glitter pen or something. I took it with one hand and slowly opened it, because maybe it might be a big fat joke.

Sophie Elizabeth Foster,

Your brown eyes keeps me awake at night, longing for it to look my way.

Your blonde hair hit by the sun's rays makes you shine brighter than they say.

My heart aches over the fact that you're so close to me, yet I stand no chance of holding you in my arms.

I will forever forever look your way and admire you from afar, having no confidence to approach you. I wish you luck on your own journey, as I've known you've fallen for someone else's charms.

Always keep that smile on your face, and remember that love always finds a way.

Love, K.

"Woah, that was some real deep shit." Biana said, who I haven't realized was reading with me.

"Goodness, Sophie, how many hearts have you broke already? 7? No, if we add this letter, it's 8." She added.

"Well, if we add the never ending ignored messages in her imparter, I'd say 23." Dex corrected.

"It was that many and you're not telling me?!" Biana exclaimed, practically shaking me so hard. "And how'd you know?" She said, giving sideways stares at Dex.

"I'm always hanging out at Havenfield. On days that I believe I won't be pulled to feed Verdi." He said shrugging.

Biana groaned and looked back at me. "We're going to have another sleepover session. No ifs and buts." She said.

I know better than to disagree with her so I simply said "Yes ma'am."

"So, who's K?" Linh asked, peeking at the sender of the letter.

"Y'know what, if you were scared to tell her, you could've just not told her at all." Tam said, elbowing Keefe. Keefe gave us a serious confused look and we all answered "K?".

"Oh." He said finally realizing. He took a step back and said "No, I do not write letters, at all. And why am I the first suspect in this?" He said, raising his hands up.

"Well, you're the only K that we know." Fitz said, finally sitting at the lunch table.

We all followed and placed our things. Linh, Tam, and Dex went first to order before the rest of us.

Happy April Fools? A KOTLC fanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora