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Mature content.

30th June 1986

Lillianes POV

Queen are about three weeks in touring and I tell you, they are still filling whole stadiums. The venues are huge and all sold out. I think that's the first time that they actually make money with touring.

Queen is currently on stage doing 'Another one bites the dust' and as I said. I'd join for a few shows. I felt very useless, standing on the side and watch so I went down a little staircase and arrived infront of the crowd who were held away by a fence. Freddie was probably performing right above my head.

I noticed that the Roadies were busy with giving the people in the front water and helping the ones who don't feel well. I decided to join them and help them giving the people cups with water. As soon as the people noticed me they cheered and I just chuckled.

"I mean we are quite good for four aging ladies." I heard Freddie say above me head as I chuckled along.

It was actually quite fun down there with the Roadies, helping the people. I really enjoy this kind of work, you know. Not being in the spotlight. Eventhough I know that Freddie is a showman I have a feeling that this is probably one of their last tours. I mean, he's soon gonna be forty. And to be honest he hasn't felt his best lately, mabye that's a sign that it's enough touring, for now at least.

In general the lads aren't doing quite well right now. Rogs marrige is breaking apart and Bri has been different lately too.

I got backstage again after an hour and waited for the show to finish. I stood there when suddently a woman apeared beside me.

Who's that?

I decided to introduce myself since she looked kinda familiar.

"Hello." I said shyly.

"Oh hello Mrs.Jones, ah I'm Anita." She smiled.

"Ohh Anita Dobson?" I asked as she nodded.

"Nice to meet you, it's Lilliane." I said as she smiled. "May I ask why you are here?" I asked with a smile, letting her know that I don't have problem with her being here.

"I'm here with Brian." She smiled.

So that's what has been up with Brian.

"Ohh okay." I smiled.

So I'm usually not that offensive, but that intrests me.

Because Freddie didn't even told me.

And the way she looks at him tells a lot.

"So I don't wanna be rude....." I started.

"Ohh it's alright, out with it." She said.

"Is there a possibility that you and Brian are... you know...." I mumbled as she laughed.

"Y...Yes.... It must be strange for you, you know his wife,right?" She said as I nodded. I could tell that she was uncomfortable eventhough she was laughing.

I mean yeah, I'm not happy that Chrissie is getting cheated on and it was the same with Dom. Rog first talked about it with me and it was very strange. Chrissie and I aren't super close but we are still friends. I'm sure the boys don't intent on hurting their wives , but they....they do. I think they just didn't have the time to find a right partner in these times of world fame and succes. They just went with what they had and now they realize it. I mean except for Deacy, he and Ronnie met way back in the day like Freddie and I.

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