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28th November 1979

James' POV

It's been a good while since Lil recieved the message that her Dad and her Stepmother passed away.

Lil hasn't left that room once since we arrived. It's been two days and she had to come out or she'll die in there because of dehydration. I've been watching the children and I sometimes look through the key hole to make sure that she's still alive. Not only the triplets, also that dog Rufus. He also changed since his humans death though. So did Tiffany.

I talked to William about the whole situation and he as usual is understanding,we cancled everything. Press conforences, project within the next 6 months and any jobs.

I am already preparing the funeral. It's gonna be this week. I am not mad at Lil for leaving me 'alone' she's suffered through so many losses now. Lil is a lover of life, she always gets up after everything, but by now I don't know what she can handle anymore.

I called Ben and he is arriving today. I can't handle this household alone. Lil would have to leave that room for the Funeral anyways.

Oh dear god.

Lil doesn't deserve this. She is always minding others and doing anything to make them feel good, but at the end of the day, who is doing that for her?


Well he's not here.

I belive Lil forced him to stay on tour.

Typical of her.

Lillianes POV

This is unreal.

How can it be?

My father and his wife.

Why not punish me!?

They were such good humans, they deserved better.

Where was I when they needed me.

I was on tour.

Freddie even told me to stay home.

I am such a fool. How could I let them die.

They should've lived longer.

I should've been the one instead.

All my Dad wanted was to live.

Why not let him live.

My dad was really trying to make the best from his life. And he tried to make the lives of the people around him the best.

How am I supposed to do this?!

He's the person who built me up after everything. He was so lovely to be with. We've been through so much together. Through Mums death. I can't take this.

Clarie did everything for my Dad, he did everything for her. She respected our loss of my Mother and she respected my relationship to my father. He truly loved her. I've never seen him happier since Muns death.

They'll meet in heaven.

I don't want this, but I have people who need me. I'll be alright pretty soon.

I just need time.

I would've died for them with no doubt.

Freddies POV

I haven't heard anything of Lil.

I called, but only James picked up and he said he couldn't tell me anything. But I trust her she would never do dumb things.

I have that strange feeling, I know that something has happened but I don't even want to think about her Dad or Clarie dying. It would be one loss to much.

This girl never did anything wrong. She's an Angel on earth and still life makes it hard for her.

It's killing me to hear nothing from her.

I miss her.

I need her.

It's just a few shows to go and I feel incredibly uncomfortable without her by my side, but she must feel worse than me right now.

She helped me now I have to be there for her.

She needs me.

I'll be there soon Angel, don't fly away.

Very very short Chapter, that's why I am posting the other one right after if I don't forget.

If you like the chapters pls vote,means a lot. Thank you.


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