Puppy Love {Goshiki Tsutomu}

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a/n: time skip one shot for my fav lil baby ace who must be protected at all costs :)


Sitting on a bench and taking a moment to relax after nearly having your arm pulled off by your enthusiastic pet, you watched various breeds of canines frolic around the dog park. Your playful Corgi, (dog's name), bounded around nearby, her bottom wagging with excitement. She was a little social butterfly who loved visiting her friends at the park. You appreciated having a place not far from where you lived that allowed you to sit in peace while she spent all her energy playing with other dogs instead of bugging you for treats.

After racing around and playing, only coming to you whenever she wanted to drink out of the water fountain nearby, you noticed her approach another small dog that seemed more timid, as if this experience was its first. It was nothing more than a mass of black fluff from afar, but when it followed (dog's name) as she made her way back towards you to grab her ball, you realized it was a little Pomeranian.

"Aren't you just the cutest little thing?" you simpered, bending down to pet it, making its tail wag enthusiastically. Turning to your own dog and running your hand along her soft head, you asked, "Did you make a new friend, (dog's name)? Good for you!" You chuckled when a small arooo sounded from her mouth, seemingly in response to your question. Your (e/c) gaze set upon the dog's maroon collar as you fumbled with the name tag. "Well, hello there, Ace! Why don't you girls go and play?" The Pomeranian jumped up and down with joy, so you picked up the tennis ball your dog placed at your feet and tossed it for them to chase down.

As you waited for the two dogs to locate the toy, you noticed the Pomeranian stop to make a quick detour along the way, jumping up on the legs of a tall man standing a few feet away. He leaned down towards Ace and ruffled her thick fur before encouraging her to go off and play with her new friend. When the dog raced off and her owner stood up once again, you noticed that he had a familiar face and a jet-black bowl cut that you'd recognize anywhere.

"Tsutomu...?" you uttered softly as you approached him, hands clasped together tightly.

His brown eyes widened as they glanced over your form. "(F/n)?" The way his lip quavered and his entire face brightened showed you that nothing about him had changed over the years.

Smiling, you moved closer to him and pulled him into a platonic hug. "I would say it's felt like a long time since we've last seen each other, but I watch you all the time on TV now," you chuckled and moved away from him, your eyes shifting downwards to your dog when you felt her paws on your leg. "Is Ace your dog?" He nodded enthusiastically in response, to which you commented, "Should've known by the name that she was yours."

"Y-Yeah, you know me!" he sputtered and bent down to pat the fluff ball that had wandered over to him. The tinge of pink on his cheeks brought a smile to your face. "A-Actually, this is her first time at a dog park, b-but it looks like she made a friend!"

You chuckled upon noticing that your little Corgi had approached him, her long body wiggling with curiosity. "Looks like (dog's name) likes you too," you commented, watching with amusement as her tongue lolled out of her mouth when he started petting her.

"Aren't you just the sweetest little girl?" he cooed, his voice taking on a more playful tone that warmed your heart. (Dog's name) nudged the tennis ball she'd brought back towards him with her snout, prompting him to pick it up and throw it across the park. Both pets bounded away to fetch it, leaving their two owners alone again.

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