0.5 // Brand New

382 18 7

a/n : so um... about that... 1.5 years later... here i am... writing... forgive me if i mess up anything, please yell at me.

Newcastle, England

It was raining... again. Something about the rain the past few days was not making me happy. It was probably the fact that it was also pretty chilly out and the rain was making it no warmer. Or it could be the fact that I had so much time to get ready, my hair straightened and my makeup is done, that it was all going to be ruined within seconds of walking outside.

I guess the only plus side of today was the fact that we were able to have a bit of free time in the morning to do shopping, mainly food shopping since we weren't able to fully stock up when we first arrived, but I convinced Awsten to take me clothes shopping beforehand, thankful that I found a mall close by the Aldi the bus driver was taking us too.

It was a further walk from where the bus was parked then we had imagined, but it wasn't completely terrible because we managed to stock up on umbrellas after the last show, remembering that the UK had a little bit of a raining problem.

"I couldn't tell you what any of these stores are..." I told him, our hands intertwined as he almost pulled me through the semi-busy street. Street was the wrong word, I guess, it was more of a large path surrounded by buildings and stores that are completely foreign to me. While Awsten agreed to go shopping with me, it was obvious that he would rather be sitting on the bus and not walking through the light drizzle of rain to watch me find more sweaters since I stupidly only packed two. 

"Well that one is a Victoria's Secret rip off," He laughed, pointing at the storefront that had models in lingerie. I looked at it, shrugging to myself more than anyone because I could use a new bra or two, my favorite bra is going to get old on this tour at some point.

"Seems nicer." I laughed, noticing the models in bunny ears with bunny puns as the advertising. It was creative, but it just seemed so odd to have a store like that right in the middle of the busy street.

"Whatever you say, rabbit kink," He shot back at me with a smirk, making me roll my eyes as I began to pull him in the direction of Primark, the only store I remember hearing about all over YouTube and Twitter.

"You're lucky no one heard that or else bunny stan twitter would rip you apart."

We walked through the store and into the women's section. I was immediately not feeling the clothes that had on display, picking through some pieces while Awsten started to read out a tweet he was trying to write.

As I picked up a plain black sweater with a tasteful amount of distressing in it, I looked over at him, "Aws, you cannot talk about rabbit tails like that on twitter..." I gave him a look, trying to hide the smile that threatened to cross my face after hearing his proposal to tweet about what he would do with rabbits if they ever tried to attack him.

He sighed and I watched him delete the characters with a laugh, mumbling a "true..." under his breath before writing something else. I picked apart a few more racks before finding a few more sweaters and decided to walk towards the accessories, leaving Awsten standing alone in the women's clothing section with his eyes glued to his phone. I glanced at a few pieces before deciding to not spend the little amount of money I have left and walked back over to Awsten who was now smiling like an idiot as he held out his phone for me to see.

I read the tweet he had pulled up, already posted with likes, replies and, retweets flooding in. 


Speechless, I looked up at him from the phone in my hands, my mouth opened in shock. He was uncontrollably giggling, pulling the phone from my hands to stuff in his pocket and pull me into him. "Don't think too hard, you don't know what I had to do to get this band together."

I gasped, slapping his chest before laughing along with him. He really could be such an idiot most of the time, but that's part of the reason I love being with him. There was always something being said dramatically that made me almost cry in laughter.

We checked out quickly, pulling open our umbrellas and the map on our phones to find the Aldi that was close by. The other guys texted Awsten as we were checking out to tell us that they were back on the bus, leaving in around an hour.

It took us a few minutes to get to the Aldi, but we were quick to find the food we needed, splitting up to maximize our time. When I was done I found Awsten in the fruit section, staring at the peaches and talking into his phone. Weird.

He was speaking into the speaker, not on an actual phone call. I walked up to him right as he finished and put his phone back away, turning and seeing me. His eyebrow twitched slightly, smiling at me before walking us both to checkout. 

By the time we got back to the bus and put all out food away, we were on the road. It was only 11 in the morning and the drive to Glasgow was only around 3 hours, so we would make it in time for the VIP section and soundcheck. 

Everyone was fairly silent on the ride, Geoff in the backroom on the phone with Chloe, Otto was sitting in his bunk either asleep or doing who knows what on his phone. I was doing almost the same thing, except I was on the sofa of the bus, wrapped in a blanket, and watching videos on my phone with my headphones. Awsten was sitting at the table, on his computer with his headphones also in, humming things and saying phrases that I couldn't completely pick up through the Jeffree Star video that I was watching. 

About an hour into my youtube binge I was slowly falling asleep, eyes closed as another video plays that I was too lazy to turn off.


stellataylor this picture is from yesterday, don't be fooled

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stellataylor this picture is from yesterday, don't be fooled. it rained all day.


fan1: What do you shoot the shows with??

fan2: I feel like I saw you taking this !!!

fan3: WHY are you sitting on the floor, get up queen...

sweet [awsten knight]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant