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LIN SNEAKED HER WAY to meet up with Luna that night, at the Astronomy Tower because that was Luna's last class and Lin was to meet up with Goyle anyway. She found Luna looking up at the stars, and this was mainly why Lin wanted to have sex here all the time, to look at the stars. It put her in the mood more.

"I don't have much time till my boyfriend comes up, make it quick." Lin ordered, though the word boyfriend felt somewhat foreign on her pink tongue. She was now very certain of one thing, she was undeniably and uncontrollably in love with Goyle. He made her feel good, both on the inside and outside. He knew just where to touch her, he knew just how to talk to her, he knew where to kiss her.

"Professor Slughorn is hosting this party of some sorts and Harry would like you to attend with him." Luna spoke in her airy, dreamy voice. Lin chuckled.

"I'm sorry, I'm going with Blaise as a friend." It seemed as though Luna's face fell. "I wish I could help." Even Luna knew that was a lie.

"Two weeks ago, was it really you who tried to kill me? Or was it your darker self?" Lin gulped. How did Luna know about her darkness? "If it was you I'd understand, but if it was your darker self then I'm afraid you do need serious help."

"Leave me be Luna." Lin growled, bumping past her and she sat flat on the floor, listening to Luna's fading footsteps before Goyle's heavy footsteps could be heard.

"She gave you any trouble?" He asked, sitting beside her and Lin sighed, feeling tears pool in her eyes and she threw herself in Goyle's arms. She wished she wasn't the darkness. She wished that she wasn't using him. She didn't want to see Goyle or Luna get hurt. They meant a lot to her. "Don't worry about her, Pansy has been dying to sort her out ever since you decided to turn good, I guess."

Lin cracked a smiled and Goyle wiped away the tears from her milky white face, leaving behind a smudge. Lin pushed him back and she climbed on top of him, undoing his belt and Goyle watched, intrigued. He groaned when Lin licked his face, clearly she was trying torture him. He flipped them over and Lin bit down hard on her bottom lip.

"You're trying to torture me, aren't you?" He chuckled slightly when Lin nodded. "Wrong choice love." Goyle said, snaking his ice cold hand up her shirt and he undid her bra. He pressed himself against her as he softly, and slowly sucked on her neck, leaving behind marks.

"Goyle...." Lin breathed out. "Just fuck me already." Goyle smirked, he knew just how to crack her every time.

"I want to hear you beg me." He said, pressing himself more against Lin and she could feel him go hard against her. She was drunk on lust but she couldn't give up now. She lazily tried pulling his pants off.

"Please Gregory Goyle. Please just fucking fuck the light bulbs out of me." Goyle chuckled, he liked seeing her suffer. He roughly kissed her.

"Anything to please you my love." He hummed, lips pressed against Lin's, hand slipping in between her thighs, pants already forgotten on the floor.


Maybe Pansy was right, maybe Lin couldn't properly function without having sex with Goyle. But then again, when was Pansy ever right? She never had a boyfriend before. Lin was somewhat experienced. She and Theodore had a fling once, her first kiss was with him. It was nothing like Goyle's kisses. Theodore had soft, rosy lips, though they were dry and cracked. Theodore had liked biting down on her neck, hard. At the time it felt good, but now it sounded absurd.

"Are you okay?" Lin looked up to see Crabbe enter, and he lazily sat across her. He looked awful, Goyle and Blaise must have hit him hard.

"I'm pleasant, though I believe I should be the one asking you that. You look dreadful." Lin said, pointing out his obvious injuries.

"I'll survive." Crabbe said and went stiff when he saw Goyle enter, Blaise behind him. Goyle sat down next to Lin, while Blaise lazily plopped on her right side.

"Is he giving you more trouble?" Blaise asked and Lin shook her head. She didn't like him this close to her, she could feel his breath on her neck, it gave her goosebumps.

"No, he was just asking about my health, I suppose." She shrugged and watched as Goyle placed his head on her thighs. "Behave yourself." Lin whispered as she giggled, and Goyle sent her a grin.

"Aren't we the ones who should be asking you that Crabbe?" Draco asked as he strode in, plopping beside Blaise. Crabbe swallowed hard. "You after all tried to steal your best friend's girlfriend, right under his nose, and thought he wouldn't deal with you." He shook his head. "Pathetic."

"Well I'll survive," Crabbe said and looked at Lin. "As for Lin, she isn't human. She never was. There's a darkness looming inside her, she's just using you three. She's going to murder us all, and she won't show us mercy." Lin's breathing literally stopped, how in Merlin's name did Crabbe know all of that?

She forced out a chuckle. "Just because I wasn't thick enough to jump into bed with you Crabbe, it doesn't make me less human, it doesn't make me whatever monster you just described."

Goyle laughed. "You're too desperate." His laughter filled her joy. Lin smiled at him, raking her long fingers through his curly hair. Crabbe only narrowed his eyes, thankfully he didn't say anything. And thankfully, her friends and boyfriend took it as a joke.


Lin laughed as she, Goyle and Blaise entered the Great Hall. They were playing Gryffindor today, though Draco had unexpectedly fell ill the previous night. His usual ghost face was ashen, it looked as though he was already dead. He burned up, and Goyle, Blaise and Lin had rushed him to Madam Pomfrey, who forced the boy to stay the night. That meant they were Seeker-less. Lin then had to beg Theodore to fill in for Draco, though she knew they were going to loose anyhow. He wasn't Draco.

"So, goodluck kiss?" Goyle asked, already inching forward to her and Lin giggled, pecking him on the lips. "That wasn't a kiss." He argued. Lin shrugged.

"We can't leave our dear friend unattended." Lin said, pointing towards Blaise who pulled a face at them. "See? He doesn't want to see us kiss."

"That's because he's lonely. He's a lonely heart." Goyle muttered, forcing his lips unto hers and Lin rolled her dark eyes before deepening the kiss.

"For once, stop being gross." Blaise argued and they followed him to sit. Lin chuckled at him.

The Great Hall was painfully quiet when Lin's eyes fell on Luna. She knew about the fight Lin had inside her, she knew about the darkness she had inside her. Goyle's cold hand on her thigh, thankfully, snapped her back into reality.

"Hey! Behave yourself." Lin argued when his his cold fingertips grazed her underwear. "We have a match to win love. Don't get any ideas."

"We have an hour before the match, that's enough time for at least," He leaned in closer to her ear. "Three rounds."

Lin bit down hard on her bottom lip. "Stop that! Blaise is just here. He'll think we're both whores."

Goyle ignored her. "You know you want it just as bad as I do. Blaise doesn't mind." Goyle looked at Blaise. "Right?"

"No, I'm meeting up with someone." Blaise muttered, and Goyle smirked, sliding out his chair and he picked Lin up, before he tossed her over his shoulders.

"I love you Lin Takao." Goyle had whispered against her lips when he set her down behind a statue. The words took Lin aback and she sucked in a sharp breath before roughly kissing Goyle.

"I love you more Gregory Goyle." And she meant the words.

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