▬ DEATH; 0

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     THE DEATH OF TARYN'S MOTHER WAS AS SUDDEN AS IT WAS TRAGIC. It was as though a piece of her being was ripped from her, thrown into the casket where her lifeless mother lay. Cancer had claimed many lives before Shelby Lemming's was taken ▬ though that didn't mean it was any less painful. 

    Taryn's mother had shown no signs of the sickness aside from exhaustion. That made it incredibly unexpected. And it even made Taryn feel like all of the blame and cause was heaved onto her shoulders. 

Taryn lived in Seattle, Washington with her mother for the entirety of her life. She knew her mother better than she did anyone else.. Even her older brother, Winn. She was bare of a father.. He'd left when she was very young. 

Her mother was her best friend and her saving grace in many troubling situations. Taryn Lemming was known to be very prone to accidental danger.. It was almost like she was drawn to it. But she wasn't really one to go searching for trouble. She was more of the somewhat innocent yet experienced type. That was why it was odd; and even somewhat amusing. 

    Her older brother and her mother would often have to fish Taryn out of sticky situations if she couldn't do it herself. Not that they minded much. 

    The day Shelby Lemming died was one of the four horrific days she spent being openly sick. Not long before that, she had become a shut-in to her room. Taryn rarely saw her around the house.. Mostly during meal times or before Taryn went to bed. It was odd.. But Taryn couldn't really question it. Her mother had a busy job as a lawyer and Taryn had no doubt at all that she was just extra tired. Or, maybe that's what she wanted to believe because that's what her mother told her. 

    The day that her mother could barely get up from her bed was the day that Taryn realized her mother had been lying to her the entire time. She wasn't tired.. She was incredibly sick. The ambulance was called and so was her elder brother, Winn. 

    The doctors she was taken to found the cancer right away. It was almost too developed to be fought off.. And that proved to be correct. Shelby died four days later in her hospital bed. 

     Taryn knew she could never be the same again. Not without her mother. The woman who brought her into this world and helped her through the dangers of said place. All of her advice came from her mother, all of the things she swore to be the truth about life. Now.. That was all she had left. Her mother's words of advice and the memories of the years her mother had been there to care for her. 

    Now, the only home that she had was with her 26-year-old brother, Winn Lemming. Or, the only home that she chose to have. She could have moved in with various relatives.. but Winn wanted her with himself and the feeling was mutual. 

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