Samus: Yeah.

Fox: How you been?

Samus: Nothing much.

Fox: I just took out Star Wolf again so--

Samus: Spare me.

Fox: Well let's communicate how we always do.

Fox took a fighting stance.

Samus: (sarcastically) What are you, a martial artist now?

Fox: Heh, I forgot how blunt you were.

Samus rolled her eyes.

Samus: I'll take you up on your offer. For someone who just fights in a ship all day must be rusty in hand-to-hand combat.

Fox: We'll see...

Fox started the match by using his Blaster to fire lasers at Samus. Samus withstood the blasts and closed the gap by using a Dash Attack. Fox regrouped himself by approaching with two jabs and rapid fire kicks and followed up with a Dash Attack of his own. Samus tried to go for a Down Aerial, but Fox rolled and performed a Forward Smash.

Fox: How's that?

Samus went for an overhead attack by performing a Forward Aerial followed by a Side Tilt.


Samus then used her Grapple Beam to pull Fox closer to her and performed an Up Throw. She then started to juggle Fox in the air using her Up Aerial a few times. Until he was out of reach, Samus jumped up ended off the combo with a Screw Attack. As Fox was descending back onstage he used his Up Special, Fire Fox and aimed it downward toward Samus's direction.

Fox: FIRE!

Samus dodged the move and rushed in to deliver an Up Smash. After, she followed up with a Neutral Aerial, vertically launching Fox.

Fox: Nice try.

Fox recovered back onstage using Fox Illusion. Samus then charging up her Neutral Special.

Fox: (mentally) I recognize that move...

After Samus was done charging her Charge Shot and let it store there for while. She then shot a Missile (Light), but Fox destroyed it using his Blaster. Then, Samus shot out another Missile (Heavy). Fox reflected the projectile with his Reflector and on instinct, he let his Reflector go.

Fox: Oh no!

As soon as Fox let go of his Reflector, he met face-to-face with Samus Charge Shot, which launched him far.

Fox: FIRE!

Once Fox recovered onstage, he rushed towards Samus, but she morphed into a ball and rolled away, leaving a Bomb which dealt minor damage. Afterward, both fighters were comically rolling towards and away from each other.

Fox: Gotcha!

Samus was mere centimeters behind Fox, so started to spam consecutive Up Tilts and ending off with an Up Smash and soon followed up with Back Aerial, launching Samus.

Samus: --!!

Fox attempted to edgeguard but failed due to Samus using her Grapple Beam as a tether. Samus then rolled back onstage behind Fox and launched him with a Down Smash. Fox was not only able to recover using Fox Illusion, but also serve some damage onto Samus as well.

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