Making It Official

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Hold that thought

Just one Goddamn moment

I'm going insane 

I think

Aren't I?

You're my sabbatical

You're my hurricane

I love your storms

You don't wanna be the lonely one 

So let's party together

We'll make the impossible again

We'll ring out the year

Restart it together

I may never be the same tonight

As long as you're by my side

So lets toast away these mistakes

And say our prayers, Amen, hallelujah 

--unpublished lyrics by Orion Bauwens

"Hi Orion!"

My sister is waving to me over my cell phone.

The sleeping aid knocked me on my ass and I slept for fourteen hours straight. Even so, I still feel really groggy. Tristan said he checked on me repeatedly as I slept, but I told him to go away every time (which I don't remember). I finally dragged myself out of bed shortly before noon.

After shoving some food down my throat (added benefit of sleeping for that long, I guess? You wake up starving) I decided to call my sister. Because I miss her. Because fuck my life.

Well, my life hadn't been completely bad. Staying with Tristan was nice. It felt strangely normal for me. Plus I had spoiled him a little. Since he had refused to let me pay for his rent, I went and bought a car for him. I knew he would've killed me if it were something high end, so I got an economical car. It was the least I could do for him for being so perfect.

I wave at her. "Hey!"

I yawn and she laughs. "You just wake up?"

"Yeah...haven't been sleeping well."

"It's almost noon by you, yaknow."

I flip her off which makes her laugh.

"Who are you talking to Orio?" Tristan calls from the bedroom.

"My sister."

"Who's that? Wait--did he just call you Oreo? Like the cookie?"

Tristan is by my side then, pressing his cheek against mine. He waves. "Hi!"

"Oh! Hello!"

"I'm Tristan."


"And yes, I just called him Orio."

She laughs. "That's really funny."

Tristan shrugs. "I d'no. Jake and Ben call him Ori, so."

My sister squeals. "That's ADORABLE! I didn't know that! Can I call you that?"

"Sure," I reply. "I mean, it's reserved for only my closest friends, so yeah."

"You should drop that in an interview! Your fans will go NUTS!"

I glare a smidgen. "Like I said--reserved for close friends. Besides, I'm not giving interviews for awhile."


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