Beach Fiends

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“Ok to start off the class I brought for you two some of the equipment that best suit's each of you. Rhia you’re in front of the canvas and Marine I was getting my camera ready. Please be careful with it.” He stated.

Ok I could feel the awkwardness in the air; I hoped she didn't think much into what she saw. I mean I’m a klutz I'm know to trip over my very feet. We were about half an hour in the class and we were given a free exercise time, I could draw, sketch, or paint anything. I was uninspired and walked around the room as Chris and Marine were on the other side of the room snapping at anything and everything.

I was lost, I was thinking about yesterday and then when I felt his near calloused hands on my waist and the stomach tingle sensation. I was blushing because I was crushing on my teacher and when I had contact with him it sent me over the edge. Then multiple questions formulated into my head, how old is he? How does he feel about younger girls? Then I had chaste myself it was only a harmless little crush!

“Rhia, how are you doing on that inspiration?” He basically crept up behind me; I jumped like a skittish cat.

“Yeah, no nothing, maybe I could find some outside.”

“Then by all means you can go outside just pace yourself we’re almost out of time.”

Outside it was finally breathable out here. It pulled out my phone because I had it on silent and I had some texts from Alexis and an unknown number. I replied the very late text; I wonder who it’s from?

C-Hey Rhia

R-Hey kid who has my number & knows my nickname.

C-Haha ok how about 20 Q’s until you guess this stalker?

R-Let’s make it 10 I need to get back to class and actually do work?

C-Rhia skipping??? This is a first!

R-Well you must know me pretty well to know that I don't skip. And I have a strong guess on who it is.

C-Ok guess, hopefully you guess right.

R-The captain of the swim team, and water polo, cutie that got caught passing me a note about 2 classes ago.

C-Whoa you were the one that sucks at passing a note without getting caught.

R-Chase your such a dork, but I still like you for that. Hey I gotta get back to class.

C-What happened to 10 Q’s?

R- We can save it for Friday. Bye.

Then I had a rough sketch on what I wanted, opposite roles. I sketched a teacher with cell phone and a student was teaching a class. That’d be cool and disturbing, a teacher texting. Then I felt this presence over my shoulder, I looked back and it was Chris. I couldn't really give him a part in the drawing because he didn't give the appearance of an adult. Maybe that's why I was attracted to him, he had movie star looks with the bright sandy blond hair and sea blue-green eyes.

He laughed at it. “That's highly amusing.  Where did you get inspired?”

“Personal dream?” It came out more like a question, mainly because I wanted to give him an answer.

“Ok well hopefully next time you get this faster because it’s September, and in three months your piece is due.”

I just nodded, “Um does the piece have to have a theme? Or can it just be improv?”

“Good thing you ask, Marine come over here please,” he called her over and waited for her to get here.

“So yes the piece usually has to have a theme and follow certain rules. But it’s usually released in October.”

As he finished saying that the bell rang and today I wasn’t sure if I should stick around or head to class, I decided to move on over to history. I was there before Kai and Alexis, to get my mind off things I was going to prod about them and their summer.

“So Alexis tell me about your beau?”

“Well he’s so perfect and dreamy. His name is Declan and we met this summer in Miami and once I got to know him he told me he lived in North Charleston. So I was thinking that this weekend we could go hang out up there with him.” She ended her monologue in explaining her guy.

“Whose we?”  I questioned.

“The car owner in the little triangle.”

“Kai since when do you own a car?”

“Oh you mean my invisible Lincoln Navigator? Oh you know…”

“Alexis that’s a drive and why do I want to meet this kid, what’s his name again?”

“His name is Declan, he’s 18.”

“Is that all you know about him?”

“No but do I really have to give you his life story?”

“I’ll think about it, I have a date with Chase on Friday night.”

They both gave me looks, their eyes looked like they would bug out and I was going to have to slap them. I would gladly do it with honor. But then the teacher actually asked about some prior knowledge on American Government. We all stayed quiet except for Marine, I didn’t even notice we had the same class but it’s whatever because we didn’t even socialize. She was the queen-bee to her little hive. That's when day two came to an end. And we were waiting for Svetlana out in the student parking lot when Chris came out there.

“Hey Rhia heading out to the beach again?” he asked with a smile, that smile was to die for I mean he had the beautiful pearly white and the glorious looks.

“Actually I am, with my friends hopefully I don’t get caught in the rain again but if I do I know where to go.” I said smiling back at him, that’s when Svetlana was coming from building 6. “Well I’ll be seeing you.”

He winked and said, “Likewise.”

“Ok guy and girls do we have anything to wear to go into the water?”

“No but has that stopped us before.”

“All of you but Svet know how I am with my car!”

“How are you with your car?”

I laughed at her newness and it was kinda like naïve. “Svet this car is my life, it’s my only means of getting places and I know I won’t have to depend on anyone.”

“Fine lets go to your house and borrow some hot swim suits and Kai can borrow some from your dad.” Alexis said laughing.

And that was the game plan we went to my house and went to get some swim suit they fit perfectly on the other girls, then I snuck some swim trucks from my dad so Kai could wear. Then we wound up back at Folly

Beach, the sultry air felt delicious and wind in the face was highly refreshing. The three of us girls acted like that one commercial where all the females are doing the same thing at the same time. But then we did go and take some salt water, we were acting like 8 year olds instead of 17 and 18. I was the only 17 year old, that bites even Svet was 18. I went to rub the salt water out of my eyes when a blond cutie came into my sunlight when I looked up it was… 

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