Chapter XXXXII: Prank and Punishment, Part II

Start from the beginning

He handed the cloak back to Harry, who was grateful to have it back. He had gotten this cloak the night after Christmas. Hedwig had attacked the owl it had been sent with and gave it to him. The cloak had come wrapped in paper, and there had been in a note in loopy handwriting simply stating: 'Your father left this to be before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well.'

Harry did not know who had given him the cloak, and Hedwig had not known who the owl she attacked belonged to. It was a mystery that bothered him, as he wanted to know who had his father's invisibility cloak, which his dad had spoken of quite fondly—apparently, it was dead useful for pranking. As things stood, however, he had no way to discover who had been in possession of the cloak, though he did have a few suspects.

“As if you care about that,” Harry snorted, shaking his head. He gestured toward the wall right next to the large double doors of the Great Hall. “Set him down over there.”

Blaise did as told, while Harry and Neville followed him.

“So what are you going to do?” asked Blaise, eying the wand Harry brought out.

“Draco needs to learn a lesson.”

A flick of his wrist and all of the clothing on Malfoy's body with the exception of his underwear vanished.

“One that he apparently did not learn when I chastised him before our first flying lesson.”

A jab had the white underwear changing into glow in the dark neon pink.

“And since words do not seem to do the boy any good.”

From within his robe, Harry pulled out a small disc and a can of rubber cement. After using an engorgement charm to make the disc wider but not thicker, and lathering one side in the incredibly sticky substance, he cast the levitation charm on the disc. He floated the disc until it hovered several dozen feet above the floor, then cast a sticking charm to keep it stuck to the wall. Another flick of his wand had Draco Malfoy floating into the air.

“More drastic actions are required.”

Blaise and Neville watched as Harry pressed Malfoy against the rubber cemented side of the nearly flat disc, upside down, and applied a good deal of pressure until the cement dried. After making sure Draco would not be falling off any time soon, he nodded to himself. Then he cast another charm to make sure all the blood that would soon be rushing to Malfoy's head didn't kill him.

“And you're going to teach him a lesson by pranking him?” Blaise asked, sounding honestly curious.

“Yes.” Harry walked over to the now suspended Malfoy and carefully cast a disillusionment charm over the disc. “This particular prank is one that my father pulled when he and his friends were going to Hogwarts. The victim had actually been Snape.”

“If this is the kind of prank your father did against Professor Snape, I think I can understand the reason he hates your dad so much,” Blaise said dryly. Harry nodded his head.

“I know. To be honest, I can understand why as well.” When Blaise looked at him like he had grown a second head, Harry smiled and shrugged. “I never said I didn't understand his hatred for my father. I don't even blame him for hating my dad. I just dislike how he is willing to take his hatred of someone who has been dead for ten years out on me simply because I'm that man's son. Punishing the child for the sins of the father is a terrible crime, and was the whole reason I had not done something like this to Draco sooner.”

“That makes sense, I suppose,” Blaise agreed.

“Now...” Harry looked at them both. “Blaise, cast a disillusionment charm on yourself, if you will. I don't want Malfoy knowing you had a hand in this.” Blaise nodded and did as told, and Harry turned to Neville, handing the boy his cloak. “Since you don't know the disillusionment charm and I can only hold one spell indefinitely like this, you're going to need to put this on.”

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