Demon Skylark Reborn!

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It has been five years since Kyoya Hibari was reborn in the Lovely Princess world after his death. At first, he was enraged that he was reborn instead of his sky. When he was two years old, he met his father, the Emperor, Claude di Alger Obelia. Their encounter was very...chaotic.



A two-year-old ravenette with blue jewel eyes stared at the blonde Emperor sitting on the throne. What he said, shocked and confused the Emperor. "Hn, blonde carnivore." He said. When he sensed five assassins barge in the room, a bloodthirsty grin appeared on his face and materialized his tonfa with his magic.

Claude's eyes widened slightly at the purple aura covering the two-year-old Prince.

Kyoya narrowed his eyes at the assassins. "For disrupting the peace in the palace and crowding, I'll bite you to death, herbivore!" He said before lunging at the assassins. Before everyone knew what happened, the Prince had beaten all of the assassins near death. "Weak herbivore." He said coldly.

A two-year-old did that?! Felix gaped at the unconscious and beaten bodies of the intruders.

Claude stared at the Prince with disbelief. He smirked when he saw the aloof and stoic expression of the Prince. "Amusing. What's your name?"

"Don't have one, carnivore." 

Claude hummed. "Your name will be Athan. Athan di Alger Obelia the Crown Prince of Obelia Empire." He looked at Felix, who was still shocked. "Felix, where is the Prince staying?"

"The Ruby Palace, your majesty." Felix said.

Claude looked at his son and smirked again. "He'll be staying at the Emerald Palace from now on."

"Yes, your majesty!"



Flashback end

A ravenette prince was napping on the Ruby Palace's garden. His ravenette hair moved slightly as the wind passed by. Everyone familiar with the Prince knew not to awaken him from his nap unless they wanted to be beaten or as the Prince put it 'bitten to death.' They learned it the hard way when the Prince was two years old. However, the strangers or the assassins were unaware of this vital fact.

The assassin appeared next to the sleeping ravenette Prince and smiled. This is going to be too easy. He thought before he went to stab the Prince.

Athan gripped the assassin's wrist with his hand. The ravenette Prince opened his cold blue jewel eyes and looked at the man. "Herbivore..." He hissed.

The assassin flinched at the cold eyes and tone of the Prince. How can a five-year-old boy be this terrifying?!

Athan glared at the assassin as he materialized his tonfa with his magic. "For disturbing the peace, trespassing, and waking me up, I'll bite you to death, herbivore!" He said as a purple aura covered him.

The assassin shivered. I'm screwed! he said as he saw the bloodthirsty grin of the Crown Prince. The assassin sweated bullets. "M-Mercy?"

The bloodthirsty grin of the ravenette Prince widened. "I'll bite you to death!" He said before lunging at the assassin.



Claude's Office

Claude signed the last of his documents and then looked at the redhead knight standing next to him. "Felix. Where is Athan?"

Felix looked at Claude. "His highness is napping in the courtyard again, your majesty."

Claude hummed.

Suddenly the door slammed open, gaining the blonde and redhead's attention. They sweatdropped at the scene in front of them.

Claude and Felix stared at the five-year-old ravenette dragging an unconscious and near-dead body of an assassin.

Athan looked at Claude stoically. "Hn. Carnivore." He threw the body of the assassin in front of the redhead knight. "Herbivore was trespassing and wanted to kill me."

Felix sweatdropped while Claude stared at the Prince with disbelief and a hint of anger at the assassin.

Felix snapped out of his shock and looked at the Prince worried. "Your highness! Are you okay?" Felix asked the Prince. He flinched when he saw the cold jewel blue eyes looking at him.

Athan ignored the redhead and headed towards the door. "Make sure another herbivore doesn't trespass, redhead herbivore." He said before leaving.

Felix sighed in relief. He's scary!

Claude stood up and walked towards the unconscious assassin. "Felix, take him for questioning."

"Yes, your majesty!" Felix bowed before dragging the assassin away. 

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