Last month has been really good without taking into account Zayn being a dïckhead. I had no worries about money, and although I thought no one wanted me, my self esteem was kind of in the sky because of the random things Zayn would tell me and Dan appearing from time to time. I hadn't even thought twice about my acne scars or my not-so-skinny body.

I finally got to bed, hiding under my duvet, and decided I should ring now to get my filthy job back.

I tried to contact the mansion and no one answered, which didn't seem that strange because it's 9pm on a Sunday and I'm guessing Ms. Webb does have a life. So, I could always phone Mr. Malik right? I don't think he'd get angry and it's not like I haven't made him angry before. And maybe I'm pleased Ms. Webb didn't pick up the phone, because for some reason I fancy hearing his voice. His soothing raspy voice just talking to me.

"Malik," he says with zero enthusiasm in his voice.

"Uh hi?" I answer unsurely, making it sound like a question and cursing myself.

"Excuse me, who's this?" He asks sounding confused and a bit more aware.

Is he as useless as me about checking the ID?

"It's Olivia Anderson," I say slowly feeling as intimidated as the first day.

"Is everything okay?" He says sounding a bit more stern.

I nod eaguerly before I realize he can't see me and sigh.

"Yeah, I just wanted to know if I could still go back and work at the mansion?" I ask doubtfuly.

"Sure you can, Olivia," he says. "Is everything okay?" He asks again, this time in a softer voice.

"Uh, yeah-Ernie left today and I'm a bit unsure of being alone," I explain with a nervous giggle. It's ridiculous, why did I feel safer with a two year old?

"You'll be fine," he states in an impassive tone.

Why is he being so distant? Like, he normally is anyway but I was expecting him a bit more... alive?

I realize I haven't answered him yet and I open my mouth just before I hear him again.

"I'm not in London right now, but I can get someone to take you to the mansion or the penthouse, would you feel better there?" He asks in a quiet gentle voice this time.

I can't help to smile and I can feel something at the tip of my stomach.

"I'm okay Zayn, but thank you," I whisper closing my eyes.

"Anything I can help you with?" He asks a bit rushed, he seems eager to help and I can't stop a giggle escape my lips.

"Uh-yeah, actually... can you-uh, can I hear another myth, please?" I ask holding the duvet and bitting my lip.

I really want to hear his voice for the rest of the night. When he talks about those myths it's as if his mind would travel away and it's just his body talking, it's something special, his eyes look different.

"I can't really think of any special one now..." he says sounding distracted.

"Please?" I whisper a bit disappointed.

I hear him sigh and some ruffling on the other side of the line.

"Haz, I'll go down later on, alright?" I hear his voice say in the distance.

There's some shouting in the background and a door slaming shut.

"So, ever heard how Zeus was born?" He asks with a sigh.

"No," I say excitedly trying to hide my smile.

"Well, his parents had like five kids before him but Cronus, his dad, had heard from an oraculum that one of his sons would end up killing him, so he swallowed his children-" he explained slowly before I interrupted him.

"He did what?!" I shout down the line sitting up in bed.

"It's mythology Olivia, don't forget that," he reminds me. "His mum wanted to save Zeus, so instead of giving him the baby she gave him a rock hidden in blankets." He tells me slowly in his deep voice.

"And he ate the rock?" I ask him leaning by back against the pillows.

"He didn't eat it, he swallowed it," he tells me sounding fed up of me. "His mum basically saved him and when he was older he made his dad give back all his siblings, and one of them became his partner," he says not sounding intrested at all.

It's not like other times, he's not concentrating at all, he's not himself. Himself as in when he's nice and sexy and somehow manages to be adorable too.

"Thank you," I tell him quietly.

"S'fine," he says distracted.

"Anything I can help you with?" I ask him quietly hidding under the duvet again.

"Uh-yeah, you could actually," he says sounding more aware than ever.

"And what would that be?" I ask him curious.

"I want you to come with me to events and meetings for the next month instead of having demonstrations," he says as an order, not a question.

"Uh-I, I don't know, I should be looking for a client..." I try to explain him.

I would love to take the offer but I need something stable that gives me money, but Zayn and his moods are definitely nothing stable to trust.

"We can arrange a couple dates if you really think it's necessary," he says impatient.

"Dates?" I ask excitedly. I won't have to get naked, I'll have dates, I'll go to the cool posh events and get payed for it all.

"Yes, deal?" He asks with a serious tone.

"Deal, Mr. Malik," I smile bitting my lip.

"Good girl," he whispers and I swear his lips are shaped in that smirk that drives me nuts. "Have a good night, yeah?" He tells me.

"Good night, Mr. Malik" I tell him cuddling into my duvet and hanging the phone up.

I should keep hating him, why don't I? He was horrible to me. Wasn't he? I'm not sure if I remember what he did now.

What I do remember is how the shape of his eyes change when he smiles and how the whole room changes when he laughs.
Hiiiiii, so I've been a bit bitchy and this is my way of saying sorry to all you beautiful babies that vote every single time.
Oh, and I need your opinion, would you stand this story being a long one? Because I have soooo much stuff for it but there's no way I can squeeze it in 10 chapters or something, on the other hand I don't want you to get fed up of the story :(
V, xxx

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