Character Information

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Athan de Alger Obelia (Currently)

Kyoya Hibari (Formerly)

Nickname/Title: Crown Prince of Obelia Empire, Heir to the throne, Crown Prince, Sadist, Sadistic Prince, ruthless prince, Son, cold-hearted prince, big brother, nephew, commander, demon prince, 


Athan is a young man with an average height and short black hair with a fringe that joins at the center of his face. He has cerulean blue jewel eyes, often intimidating those who see them.


Athan is a scary prince with no care for the well-being of others, preferring to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. He has full confidence in his own strength and power. As the head of the royal Obelia knights, Athan uses authority to assault those that get on his nerves, including his own subordinates. (just like his previous life)

Athan prefers to be alone and hates crowding. This leads him to beat anyone who he thinks is crowding around him too much. He is often seen taking a nap or observing the knights from the rooftop of his palace. A rare trait about him is his love for small animals, ranging from birds to hedgehogs. 

Current Family:

Claude de Alger Obelia (father)

Maeve Andino (Mother) ✝️

Anastacius de Alger Obelia (Uncle)

Diana (stepmother) ✝️

Athanasia de Alger Obelia (Younger half-sister)

Penelope Judith (aunt) ✝️

Jennette Margarita (cousin)


Athan is very skilled at weaponry and hand to hand combat because of his role as a mafia cloud guardian and head of the disciplinary committee in his previous life. He has a very strategic mind and is always calculating and strategizing his next move. He is very strict with his followers. He is the commander of the royal knights of Obelia Empire

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