The Boat Ride

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Charlie's POV
Mr Wonka leads us to the river bank and we see a huge pink seahorse boat with loads of Oompa Loompas rowing while one Oompa Loompa bangs a drum. When they get in front of us they all start laughing at us.
Violet: "what's so funny ?"
Willy: "I think it's all those dogone cocoa beans, hey by the way did you guys know that chocolate contains a property which causes a release of endorphins, gives one the feeling of being in love" he then smiles, I look at Libby from the corner of my eye when he says that and I think she noticed because she begins to blush.
Mrs Beauregarde: "you don't say..." she says trying to be flirtatious, me and Libby just look at each other and laugh quietly because Mr Wonka stops smiling and has now got a face of disgust.
Willy: "all aboard" he says with a nervous smile. Veruca and Mr Salt are at the front, on the next row is Violet and Mrs Beauregarde, then it's Mrs Robinson, Mr Teavee and Mike and then at the back it's me, Libby, grandpa Joe and Mr wonka.
Willy: "onward" he says while motioning which way the Oompa Loompas need to go. We begin to move when Mr Wonka hands me a ladle with chocolate in.
Willy: "here have some of this it will do you good" I take the ladle and have a sip of the chocolate and then I pass it to Grandpa Joe.
Charlie: "it's great" I say while smiling.
Willy: "that's because it's mixed by waterfall, the waterfall is most important, it mixes the chocolate, churns it up, makes it light and frothy and by the way no other factory in the world m-" he was cut off
Veruca: "you've already said that"  there was another awkward silence.
Willy: " your all quite short aren't you?" Me and libby give each other confused looks.
Violet: "well yeah, we're children"
Willy: "well that's not excuse I was never as short as you"
Mike: "you were once"
Willy: "was not !!! Know why !? Because I distinctly remember putting a hat on top of my head, look at your short little arms... you could never reach" he gave a smug smile but out of the corner of my eyes I saw Libby frown at Mr Wonka, maybe she found what he said offensive... everyone turned to the front
Charlie: "do you even remember what it was like being a kid ?"
Willy: "oh boy do I" he said quite cheerful but then he started to frown and stare into space. "Do I ?" Libby looked at me with a reassuring smile.
Libby: "I'm sure he's fine, maybe he just had a bad childhood and the fact we are here has brought all the memories back up" I looked forward and realised we are heading towards a tunnel.
Charlie: "Mr Wonka !! Mr Wonka we're heading for a tunnel !!" He quickly snaps out of it.
Willy: "oh yeah... full speed ahead !!" The boat got faster.
Violet: "how can they see where they're going?"
Willy: "they can't.... there's no knowing where they are going, switch on the lights!!" Then we dropped down, I saw that Libby has gotten frightened so I grabbed her hand. She smiled a bit but then the boat calmed down so I let go, I saw that she was no longer smiling and looked hurt.
Charlie: "are you ok?" She just nodded. I felt like I did something wrong but I don't know what...
Willy: "people, keep an eye out. We're passing some very important rooms here" there were rooms like, clotted cream, coffee cream, hair cream !! Mrs Beauregarde turned around.
Mrs Beauregarde: "what do you use hair cream for ?"
Willy: "to lock in moisture" he then bobbed his fair up and down, Mrs Beauregarde just turned away. We then saw a room that had Oompa Loompa whipping a cow.
Libby & Charlie: "whipped cream"
Willy: "precisely... haha"
Veruca: "that doesn't make sense..." Mr Wonka turned to Veruca with a stern look
Willy: "for your information little girl, whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all unless it's been whipped with whips, everybody knows that..." the boat began to pick up speed again so I grabbed Libby's hand to comfort her. The boat became calm again but this time I didn't let go of Libby's hand, we got close to a room.
Willy: "stop the boat !!! I want to show you guys something" the Oompa Loompas stooped the boat by the inventing room... we all got out the boat and I helped Libby. Mr Wonka opened the door...

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