Then Jack said. "She didn't and if she did, I know she wouldn't make a big deal out of it. So calm down and go take a shower. Hi Samantha, you feeling better now?" Jack asked smoothly as he saw me.

Max looked very sheepish as he looked at me. 

"Yep, all better. A nice hot shower helps. I think it's your turn, Max. Did you know that when you sleep you're like a heater?" I said meaning it as a joke.

Max actually started to turn red. " about that." 

I smiled and said "It's not a problem. You kept me warm for our little nap. Well, go on and take your shower, my little space heater." Both me and Jack laughed a little. But Max just got more red. I wasn't trying to embarrass him. So, I walked over to him and gave him a hug and said "I'm sorry Max. Please don't be mad at me. You know I would never make fun of you, right?" 

He hugged me back and said "Ya, I know. Thanks, Sam. I'm going to go take a shower and get changed." We let go of each other and he walked to the bathroom. 

After he closed the door, I rounded on Jack.

"What was that all about? I heard the end of your conversation. Is there anything I need to know?" 

Jack covered his face with one hand. "No, not really. He's just a little embarrassed about something, nothing major just private stuff." 

I nodded and said "Well, if there's anything I can do to help, let me know."

"Will do, but I don't think it will come up in the next couple of days. Speaking of coming up: we do have a place to eat here. Maybe after Max gets done, we should go get some food in us. I know I'm hungry." 

I put my hand over my stomach as I just realized that yes, I was hungry as well. "Sounds like a good idea to me, but are we going to be able to talk while we eat? We are running out of time."
Jack really smiles. It goes ear to ear as he says. "Oooo, yes. We will be definitely talking. There's going to be a lot to talk about. And a lot to see. I think you're going to love this place. Oh, I almost forgot. I will be needing your iPad and phone for now, but please keep that watch on at all times. Think of it as your secretary pass, or a badge. We all have them on up here."
"Wait, My phone and iPad are back at the house." 

"No, I grabbed them, yours and Max's. I have them here in my desk for now. After we have our talk I will give them back. And don't worry, they're safe here. You can still track them using your watch too."

While we were waiting for Max to get done, I sat on a couch and started to play with my watch. I could track the phone and iPad, but I couldn't get a street view of where they were. I knew that they were just a couple of feet away, but that was it. The mapping system wouldn't work right here. I started to look at the other apps on the watch. Most were normal however, some were odd. Like a psi gage, or distance from the ground gage. Some I had no clue what they were. That's when Max came out of the bathroom.

Jack turned around looking at Max. "Feel better, kiddo?" 

"Yep all squeaky clean. Can we get some food soon, I'm hungry?" 

I looked up form my watch when Max came out. I smiled as Jack said. "That's what we were waiting for. Now all three of us agree, we need food. Ok kids, get your slippers on and lets go get some food."

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