005. jadens hoodie

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Tiktokroom #niamhbailey hanging out with members of the #28club last night!

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Tiktokroom #niamhbailey hanging out with members of the #28club last night!

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Username she's friends with all of them lol?
^ Username she only met jaden like three weeks ago tho

Username is that jadens hoodie?
^ Username it is 😕

Username bro that's jadens hoodie :(

Username poor mads

Username u guys r saying shit like :oh poor mads" but what about Patrick. He genuinely seems so hurt
^ Username fr. I feel like it's cos mads is more popular than him.

Username just let her be happy for once.

Username I wanna punch her lmao

Username Imagine ff we stayed put of other people's business

Username wow

Niamhbailey he gave me his hoodie bc I was cold?
^ Username bring a jacket??

Username it's just a hoodie, what's the big deal

Username people annoy me.

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