Chapter 11: Blood and Thorns

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BLOOD FILLED MY LUNGS as I was pulled under

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BLOOD FILLED MY LUNGS as I was pulled under. It surged down my throat and burned my lungs.

Throb, my head pounded and a urge to fight filled me, I thrashed and fought against the hand around my ankle, I felt my foot connect and the hand released my foot.

I could feel my heartbeat slow, it became harder and harder to move my body in the blood. I ignored the metallic taste of the blood as my body tried to suck in air on instinct, I couldn't bring myself to be repulsed.

My lungs screamed out in joy when I emerged from the pool of blood, I felt the blood solidify and wrap around my body and spit me out, the pool of blood I was swimming in became a puddle on the floor.

I heard a scream, I whipped around to find the source. There were vines from the small windows in the hallways, they were violently thrashing all around Althea like an extra pair of limbs, her chatreause green eyes were glowing in the dim hallway.

The flowers on the vines that knocked out the guards had become long thorns, pricking anyone who came close to her – the movements of the vines was erratic, tearing into the assassins and reduced their clothing to shreds before tearing into their skin and slicing into the katanas, breaking the blades into pieces.

She cried out in agony when one of the assassins grabbed a vine and it burnt into ash within contact, the other vines snapped and took the assassin's head clean off before tearing into the remaining assassins around her, blood rained around her as they liquified with their blades. It painted her golden hair and clothes.

“Did you have a refreshing swim? You waiting for another one?”Maeve asked, I turned to her.

Her facial expression was a contrast to Althea's, she almost glowed in the dim hallway like a moon against the night sky, her eyes had a pale blue hue.

There were droplets of blood suspended in the air around her, she stood calm before she brought one hand up, she smiled and made a finger gun, I frowned before she said, “Bang. ”The droplets of water cut through the air like bullets piercing through the all of assassins that surrounded her.

Despite the fact that the assassins were not touching the two of them, the odds were not in their favour. 

The assassins they beat exploded into blood and melted into the floor only to reform twice as many. They were duplicating.

The hairs on the back of my neck rose, with the dagger in hand I whipped around, there was an assassin barreling towards me.

I jumped to my feet and kicked her clean in the stomach, I expected her  to stumble and fall to the ground, my eyes widened when she flew across the long hallway until she met the wall and burst into blood. Did I kick that hard?

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