Chapter 6: The End Of The Beginning

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NIAMH- pronounced Neeve


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I GRABBED THE BASEBALL BAT that was thrown haphazardly on the floor of the Ivaan's bedroom as she twitched, the mark was still burning, the pain spread across my arm like poison, eating away at everything in its path.

"Jeevika, stop this. I don't wanna hurt you, "I warned, gripping the baseball bat. She let out a guttural cry, one that wasn't human.

She dove towards me, staggering like a crazed animal. I stepped aside and she collided with the door, I was wide-eyed with shock as she smashed the door and broke it down all with just with her body.

It was as if all common sense had been siphoned out of her.

I rushed to the broken door, she was still standing, staggering in the hallway. Her bones cracked and snapped as she stared down the hallway, Farah's ginger ringlets came into view.

No. She's going after her.

She was glistening, covered in sweat from head to toe, as if something had flung her into a pool. There were open wounds littered across her body, from narrowly being missed by the axe.

The veins in her arms had grown thicker, redder, angrier.

Valentine came into view as well, he was swinging more wildly, as if the size of the axe did not matter anymore. Jeevika shrieked and bounded towards Farah, dread filled me.

I raced down the hallway, without a second thought I swung the bat into her back, I expected her to fall but she froze for a moment, then swung around to face me.

I howled in pain as she grabbed the shoulder with the mark, I felt like my hand was being held down in boiling water, it was scalding. The heat coursed through my veins until I could no longer feel it.

Until I could no longer move my arm.

I could swear I saw her smile as swung again, I dodged and swung the bat at her stomach, it connected, despite the snapping sound of her ribcage she was unfazed. She snarled, bared her teeth and bit me.

She bit me. And it hurt like hell.

"Lee!"Farah screamed, she was distracted and I watched Valentine's fist connect with her face, she fell to the ground like a ragdoll.

"No! Farah!"I fell, with Jeevika's weight pushing me down. With the one arm I had left, I pounded on her, not caring where my fist hit.

All I could think about was Farah falling, I brought my knee up to her stomach and kicked her, it threw her off me and for a split second I thought she felt pain.

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