Chapter 2: Warnings and Regrets

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NANI - grandmother(maternal side)
DIDI- elder sister

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JEEVIKA FELT like a puppet being pulled around by the will of somebody else - in a way, she was.

Her body felt like anvil that she was dragging around as she walked through the hospital corridors, her eyes never strayed from the head full of black hair that was bouncing in front of her.

"Ivaan, slow down. You keep bumping into people, "she chastised, grabbing his hand and halting him.

"No. Didn't you hear what they said on the phone? Why should I slow down?"he shot questions at her before forcing his hand out of hers.

She swallowed, dryly. "I did, that's why I know shoving people around won't change it. And we need to wait for cousin Josh, yes? He will want to see nani as well. "

"He already said he's not coming, he never wants to see nani, "Ivaan whined.

Jeevika bit the inside of her mouth. "Don't say that, he just doesn't have time, he's working for us and paying nani's fees. You know that. "

His lower lip was trembling, she had to clench her teeth to hold back her own tears, if she cried who'd comfort him? "So what? He's wasting money on doctors who can't even figure out what's wrong with her! Do you even know what's wrong with her?"

The accusatory tone made her freeze, she bit her lower lip. "I don't kn-"

"You never know anything!"

She grabbed him by his shoulders and stared into his tear filled eyes, she hadn't seen him so distraught since the news of their parents' death reached them. They had been living with their cousin Josh since then.

"I can't know everything but I do know that she's a fighter, Ivaan. Even a bear would lose against our nani, heck she could probably arm wrestle a gorilla and break his arm if she tried, "she tried to lighten his mood.

It didn't work. "Even the best fighter can't beat blindness, didi. "

Her shoulder slumped. "Yeah, maybe, "she whispered. "Maybe they can't but she can, the doctors will help her with that. You can't lose hope like this, it'll demotivate her, try to smile, she hasn't seen you in weeks. "

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