Start from the beginning

"What are you blurting about , woman?"

Okay. That probably wasn't good decision. Kicking his balls in front of the people wasn't an option, it would have been better though. She nodded to herself.

What should I do?


"I was thinking if you can not do that, seeing this is a work environment and-"

That clearly sucked.

" You shouldn't have interfered." His jaw tightened with clenched fist but this time, he smiled. His eyes gaze up to the other people watching and smiled.

What the heck?

Psycho! She recited in her head.

Where the fuck are the damn security when you need them?

She couldn't think of any reason why the workers in that floor stood watching the scene without doing anything. She just couldn't understand. They just stood there, looking like statues. And wasn't like fighting in office ground unacceptable. Technically, it wasn't fighting but it may as well be considered abuse. Her eyes drifted back to the lady, to see her leaning on the wall her face covered with her hands. Some of the people have already went back to their jobs and some where just chatting in groups. Someone came closer and whispered into the ears of the man.

What was happening?

She had just took a step forward when a voice shouted.

"What. Is. Happening. Here?" Christopher bellowed behind Farouq. Farouq wore a dark suit with seude black shoes and a gucci wristwatch.

Oh thank God!

She slowly made her way to Farouq's back like a culprit who was caught doing something bad.

Christopher offered her a smile and a bottle of water which she appreciated. She stayed with Christopher as Farouq went on to talk to the lady and the man.

After he was done, the three of them boarded the private elevator to Farouq's office.

She had so many questions she wantedto ask. She wanted to reserve them for later, but she just couldn't so she went for it.

The worst thing that could happen was to be ignored. Farouq wouldn't mind ignoring her but she bet Christopher wouldn't.

"Umm... Sir, would it be okay if I use this elevator sometimes?The public one normally gets crowded." This is the thing with Leilah; in almost all cases , she love to start from no where and end up somewhere. Take for example the above question, it was not something she wanted to ask but she bet it would also serve as starting off on a lighter tone.

She honestly didn't expect an answer.

"Yeah, sure. If you have the same finger print as mine. For all the right reasons, go ahead!" Farouq gave her a shrug.

That was definitely a stupid question.

That means she wasn't welcome because she was hundred percent sure a person could use his office card to get in. The censor could identify an id card. But that was not what was on her mind, so she ignored it.

"She can use her office card." Christopher gave out a laugh.

"And can I ask another question?" Here we go!

"No." Farouq said and went out of the elevator. She followed right after him, leaving.

"I'm going to ask anyways."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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