Our moment was cut short by my dad busting through my door. He stood in my door way and looked at us, "Well this is new."

"Dad... I thought you would be at work", I said quietly.

"Got fired. Davids a prick", he said, his words slightly slurred.

Great he's drunk at 10 in the morning.

"JJ and I were just leaving", I told him in hopes he would just take it and leave.

"Sure as hell looks like. I don't give a damn", he shrugged, "JJ tell your pops that he needs to meet me at Barry's later."

"Barry's, sir?", JJ asked confused.

"Yeah, he'll know what I mean", my dad explained and then turned and left

I looked at JJ confused, and he held the same expression, "What the hell just happened?"

"I honestly don't know. Maybe because he was drunk?", I offered up my theory, because we both expected my dad to be angry.

"Isn't Barry that drug dealer?", he asked.

"The one that came to your house?"

"Yeah, the one looking for my dad that one time", he said while getting up and putting his shirt on.

I followed his lead and I nodded, "That can't be anything good."

We shook the thoughts of our father's not only being drunks, but now drug users and left my house rather quickly. JJ wore his usual cut off shirt and shorts with his boots and I wore jean shorts and an army shirt that tied at the waist and had buttons down the front of it and let my hair down in its wavy mess. We decided to take my car today. I drove an old beat up two door jeep wrangler my dad managed to find. He was tired of having to give me rides places like school and Kiara's house and work. Usually JJ would come get me from one of those places and bring me home.

We climbed in my jeep and headed to John B's. The top of my jeep was down, and JJ and I had music playing. The ride to John's was short when you were driving. As I pulled in the driveway JJ turned the music down.

"You think he's up yet?", he asked.

"I think he would be. It's almost 11:30."

I threw the jeep in park and we hopped out and walked to the porch. JJ held the screen door for me like he always did and when I got to the front door, I was faced with a DCS notice. I tugged on the slip of paper and pulled it from the door and looked to JJ who was reading over my shoulder. We both exchanged a look. I reached for the doorknob when JJ stopped me. He put a finger to lips and smiled. We peaked into the open window and saw John sleeping on the couch. JJ went back to the door and began to man on it hard.

"DCS, open up. I know you're in there!", he shouted, and I smacked his chest.

We heard the couch creek and then JJ jumped by the window and yelled, "Got ya!", and began to laugh hysterically.

"JJ, that's not funny", I snapped at him as John B opened the door.

We walked in and could tell JB hadn't slept well last night. I put a hand on his arm and gave him a reassuring smile and he smiled lightly back.

"You ready to go to Ms. Lana's?", I asked him.

"Yeah. Let me change and we'll go", he said and went off to his room to change.

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