Chapter XXXV: Holiday Shopping, Part II

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“Hmm...” The woman looked at him for a moment in silent contemplation. Her eyes looked like they were piercing his soul, and were more than a little disconcerting. He wondered if she had some kind of glamour charm over her eyes. Yellow was not a natural color. “I can enchant both jewelery and clothing. The price range on enchanting both vary depending on how well they are made and the materials used in their creation. Materials that can contain and project magic easier such as gold, silver, and acromantula silk and dragon hide take less time and energy to enchant, and are therefore cheaper. More mundane materials like platinum and cotton, however, are much more expensive because it requires more time and several extra rituals for the enchantments to hold.”

Harry nodded, pulled out a sheet of paper from his robes and handed it to the woman.

“I have hear a list of all the things I would like to have enchanted. I would like to know what kind of enchantments you can put on them, and how much each of those enchantments will cost.”

Madam Amora looked over the list, nodding and humming to herself.

“For clothing, I offer most of the basic enchantments; automatic repairing charms, stay-clean charms, growth charms, animation charms and color changing charms. Those all cost fifty galleons each. I also have a list of defensive enchantments. Fabric hardening wards, camouflage runes, and a basic shield charm that can block minor hexes, but will disintegrate if hit by something like a powerful cutting curse. Those cost two hundred galleons. There is an additional twenty-five galleon cost if something like wool or cotton is used, since they do not conduct magic very well.”

“Jewelery is a bit more complicated. For anything made of gold or silver, the standard fee is fifty galleons. If they have any precious gems such as diamonds, opals, emeralds, and amethysts an additional cost of twenty-five galleons is added. Anything made of platinum costs one-hundred galleons to enchant instead of fifty. The enchantments are also different. Most of my enchantments for jewelery center around basic animation charms, color changing charms, and pattern creation charms. Those cost twenty galleons each. Other enchantments I have are keep-polished charms, unbreakable charms, keep-away charms, which cost fifty-five galleons each.”

“What about defensive enchantments?”

“I only have one for jewelery,” Madam Amora admitted, “and it is quite pricy. It's a defensive ward that can detect when something hazardous to the health of the wearer, such as poison or love potions, is in their food or the atmosphere. That one costs two-hundred-and-fifty galleons, as it takes a good deal of time and effort to properly create the enchantment, engrave the runes and cast the wards.”

Harry nodded and began calculating how much each charm would cost.

“How many enchantments can you add to a single item? And is there an added cost for doing so? Or will it just cost the additional amount for each enchantment?”

“I can add as many charms as you would like, however, I can only add as much runes as the space on the item allows. For something like a ring, that means I can only add one runic scheme. Necklaces, depending on the size of the chain can have up to five, the same with bracelets. Clothes on the other hand can handle many more runes. I usually stitch them on the inside, though I can add them to the outside as well if you do not care about fashion or want them stitched into a design. There is no added cost beyond the cost of the enchantments themselves.”

After a moments thought, Harry decided what he to do.

“In that case I'll come back with the items I want enchanted, as well as a list of enchantments for each item. How do the payments work?”

“As there is always the margin for error when enchanting, I always receive half the payment before the enchantments, and the rest after they are complete.”

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