Billie adamantly refused to look at the box sitting innocently on her desk, mocking her in its own way. An elated grown woman holding an ecstatic baby, overjoyed. And here Billie was, seventeen, and about to find out just how fucked up her life was about to become.

Nerves riding her hand, she spun around and checked the clock once again.

The clock hand had only moved one pathetic minute.


Drew blinked in confusion, "What? What's wrong?"

Billie sat up slowly, a high pitched ringing starting to climb slowly into her ears, "When was I supposed to get my period?"

Drew scoffed, "Why are you asking me that? As if I'd know when you're supposed to --"

Billie gave her an expectant look with a single raised eyebrow.

"...the seventh."

"And today's date is?"

"It's the thirteenth."

Billie licked her lips slowly, her mouth having gone dry in a matter of seconds. Her pulse was skyrocketing. This couldn't be happening, right? She was just a little bit late, wasn't she? There was no way what she thought was going on was going on. No way in hell. But even so, six days late was was pretty huge. And if she really calculated from that night and now...only one conclusion made sense.

"...hey...Billie. Earth to Billie!" Drew shook her shoulders, "Are you feeling even sicker? You're going pale. Maybe we should call off brunch and go back home."

"...Drew... I think I'm pregnant." Billie whispered in shock.


Billie rolled her eyes in annoyance. Why the hell did time have to move so slowly whenever you needed it to go much faster?!

She knew doing something else would probably make the tie move faster, but in situations such as this, she would usually play her ukulele and sing. However, the therapeutic capabilities of her singing had failed her that morning when she woke up and her voice was gone. And she probably couldn't write either because her mind was all over the place.

Billie entertained the idea of calling Drew, but knowing her chipper best friend, she'd unintentionally make her nerves increase tenfold. She flopped backwards on her bed with a groan, trying to pretend like she wasn't about to have a nervous breakdown. She blew out another breath, watching as a stray lock of wild hair flew up and landed in the middle of her face.

She rolled her head around lazily and glanced at the clock.

One minute to go...


Drew started laughing, "Don't be melodramatic. A late period doesn't necessarily mean you're pregnant. Besides, you always use protection.

Billie stayed quiet, averting her gaze from Drew's amused glance. When Drew realized Billie wasn't agreeing or responding at all, the smile slowly fell from Drew's face.

"You did use protection, right?" Drew said slowly, taking Billie's face gently in her hands to bring her eyes back to hers, "Billie. You made sure you were safe, right?"

"I...think so" She said, frowning to try to remember, "Or at least, I thought we were covered. I can't really remember. I was kind of tipsy."


"I know, I know. We probably shouldn't have hooked up half tipsy."

"This is serious! What if you really are pregnant?" Drew screeched, her eyes starting to look crazed. "Why didn't you guys use protection? The number one rule when you sleep with anyone is to use protection!"

Billie and Brandon: Unpredictable CircumstancesWhere stories live. Discover now