Harry all but ignored her, his eyes flicking over to her before resting back on Severus. "Do you think it would be wise to do this right now? Sir?" he asked the potions master.

The man nodded. "Yes, as soon as possible."

When Harry whipped his wand out, that was the end of Madam Pomfrey's rope. "No, no, no! You will explain what you are about to do to my patient!" The mediwitch looked sufficiently irritated.

Harry glanced over at Severus. The man gritted his teeth, but nodded for him to tell her. "Okay. So, remember when I had spoken parseltongue, and the beautiful patronus showed up?" The matron nodded. "The stag apparently has some magical, curse-breaking power. He healed the cuts on my face, remember?"

Madam Pomfrey pursed her lips in thought, remembering the shocking white creature. "I suppose that you are wishing to use this magic on the headmaster?"

Harry and Severus nodded their heads. The mediwitch crossed her arms, and begrudgingly gave her assent.

Harry lifted his wand, and advised everyone to close their eyes. "I don't think anyone wants to go blind." He glanced at Nagini, shut his eyes, and filled himself with his happiest memories. "Expecto Patronum!"

As expected, the room was flooded with a bright white light. It took a grand total of thirty seconds before Harry felt as if he could squint at the brilliant creature before him. The stag seemed to know what to do, as he was already over at the headmaster's bedside. The being closed its eyes, and placed his nose over the affected hand.

No one could see any effect taking place visibly, but after a few long minutes, the stag seemed satisfied with its work. The headmaster's eyebrows were furrowed, but his eyes were twinkling.

The stag stared into Dumbledore's eyes, and the old man nodded his head at it with a serious expression on his face. It turned, gracefully avoiding the fragile magical equipment that was closing it in somewhat.

The creature returned back to Harry, understanding that its job was done. Harry rested his palm on its forehead, and whispered a soft thanks. The patronus vanished, his wand absorbing wisps of bright light. In the wake of the stag's absence, the room seemed so much darker.

Severus strode over to Dumbledore, and they looked into each other's eyes for a solid minute. The potions professor seemed to find what he was looking for, and he stepped back with a slightly impressed expression.

"It seems that the curse has exited his system. However..." they all looked down at the headmaster's still black hand. "It seems as if the physical damage was unable to be removed." Harry saw Severus's eyes flick up to his face, as if to say, This has happened before.

Madam Pomfrey bustled forward, satisfied to hear that the magical maladies had been eliminated. Everyone backed away as she waved her wand, checking to see if anything had changed. Her eyebrows scrunched in concentration. A few minutes later, she lifted her wand. "There are no apparent side effects from this... healing your patronus did," she said shortly.

Dumbledore stroked a hand on his chin, looking deeply pensive.

Harry collapsed on the couch of the lounge, feeling accomplished. He had not only found an entire library full of information about the elusive parseltongue, he had managed to find a way to save the headmaster from an untimely end. He saw Nagini from the corner of his eye, and he began excitedly speaking to her about the events of the day. She responded just as enthusiastically, apparently overjoyed about the fact that not all was lost for the light side.

It was almost sundown by the time Dudley came down the stairs into the room. Harry was napping lightly on the couch, entwined with his snake. Dudley honestly didn't see how the wizard could stand being that close to a snake all the time, but he guessed he shouldn't judge. He had hung out around people that were close enough to being snakes, so his argument would be moot. Harry did seem relaxed, an expression that he seemed to lack most of the time. It was healthy for him to wind down.

Dudley glanced around the room, looking to see if the potions master was anywhere in sight. Confirming that, yes, the intimidating man was nowhere to be seen, he settles down in an armchair. The poor piece of furniture groaned under his weight. Dudley winced. He had desperately needed to follow his diet years ago.

He looked at the pile of old-looking books that rested on the side table next to Harry. Professor Snape never really explained where they had been going for the day, and Dudley was practically itching with curiosity.

He reached over and slid the top book off of the stack. He opened up the first page, and squinted. Huh? he thought. The entire piece of paper was filled with absolute gibberish. Slashes and squiggles marked almost every blank space with no rhyme or reason.

"What do you think you are doing?" a dark, nasal voice intoned right behind his ear.

Dudley jumped a mile. "Professor!" he yelped, clutching his chest. Harry and Nagini stirred, and both of their heads turned towards the young man. When he settled back down, they resumed.

"Why do you have that book in your sweaty palms?" the man snarled.

Dudley got up from the chair as fast as he could, putting some distance between himself and the angry professor. "I- I was just curious a-about where you three had gone earlier today, and I saw these books, I didn't mean any harm to them!" he stuttered while setting the book down hastily.

The man sneered. "You do know what they say - 'Curiosity killed the cat.'"

Narcissa Malfoy eyed her husband, who was trying to discreetly get out of their bed in the middle of the night. It was a foolish endeavor, since she was a very light sleeper. She always had been. He was clasping his left arm close to his chest in a way that suggested that his accursed mark was bothering him, yet again.

"Lucius," Narcissa mumbled, almost too tired to be exasperated. "Is your mark of servitude bothering you?"

Lucius turned agitated eyes over to look at her. She knew how much he hated his scar being called that, but her judgement was dulled thanks to how late in the evening it was. "Yes, one could say that," he hissed, while harshly presenting his forearm outwards.

Narcissa couldn't help but let out a small gasp.

Now fully awake, she couldn't help but stare at the small, inky, poisonous viper that was crawling up and down Lucius's skin.

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