Part 1

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"Are you guys sure about this?" Rapunzel asked her three friends as they all stood in the elevator.

They were all heading to the 5th floor of the Guardian Hotel. Each floor had a name: the North floor, the Bunny floor, the Tooth floor, the Sandy floor and their floor; the Pitch floor. The Pitch floor was notorious for one apartment. There had been many stories of that apartment and many people had been rumoured to have gone in and not be seen again.

But hey, they were just rumours.

The day had begun just like any other day for the four friends. It was a Friday and all of them decided to miss a day off school to chill before a rainy weekend ahead, although Hiccup and Rapunzel weren't too keen on the idea to miss the day Jack and Merida were both persistent on them joining.

Jack and Merida were the two daredevils of the group. They both loved the excitement and thrill that a dare would give them. So, when Hans Southern dared them all to spend a night in one of the most well known haunted places in Burgess, they both jumped on the idea.

However, the other two were both a bit more cautious than their adventurous friends. Rapunzel and Hiccup were always the ones to pull the other two back in when things were getting out of hand.

But all four of them were all so different.

Jack Frost, many would say he was the leader of the group but they all knew that there wasn't really a leader. Most people thought that because out of all of them Jack was more popular. But not always for the right reasons. He was the biggest prankster of the group, his biggest success was when he went around the entire school unscrewing things over a month, making sure that nothing would fall and hurt anyone. Then he sent two full boxes of screws to the principle with no context. Not only was he the prankster but he was also popular with the girls for his looks, even though he loved the attention, he wasn't interested. He only had eyes for one girl.

But Jack's fangirls slowly started to decrease. And it's all because of his best friend was stealing the all from him. Hiccup Haddock. Last year in school Hiccup was a very skinny and small but after the holidays he came back a lot taller and a lot more muscular. Hiccup was always - and will always be- the brains of the group. He was the smartest of them all and always came up with good ideas that kept everyone happy. Most people would say that it is very hard to keep all four of them happy but Hiccup found it easy to find a solution.

Merida Dunbroch was known as the fiery redhead around school, this being one of the many nicknames Jack had for her. Merida was apart of all the sports teams and was, no doubt, the best player. Although she was always praised for her sporting abilities she was also feared but some. As well as being well known for sports she was also very well known for her temper. Merida has never been one for having control of her anger and if anyone push her buttons they'd definitely know about it. The only people that could ever get away with anything around her were Rapunzel, Hiccup and Jack. Although Jack would usually push his luck.

The last of the four teens is Rapunzel Corona. She was the one that kept them altogether through tough times. She was named the peacekeeper of the group. Rapunzel was one of the sweetest girls in school. Everyone wanted to be her friend. She is very talented at nearly everything she does but everyone knows her passion lies with painting and singing. You could always catch her humming or quietly singing to herself. No matter what the day brings Rapunzel will always bring a smile to her friend's faces.

But despite their differences, they were all the best of friends. They were known as The Big Four.

"Come on Punzie! What's the worse that could happen?" Merida said whilst nudging the blonde.

"We go missing." Hiccup mumbled as he leaned against the wall.

Rapunzels eyes widened at his comment "Missing?" She asked in a worried tone.

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