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An eight year old girl named Y/N is with her parents. Strolling around the park. They decided to get rest a little bit so they sat down on the bench. Y/N was eating ice cream with her mom and dad as they look at the park. There weren't much people here. Just a few. You can hear the distant chattering and giggles of kids.

While looking around and happily eating her ice cream, she saw a girl not that far from them. Sitting on one of the bench too. All alone. All by herself. Y/N wondered where her parents could be. The girl was looking at her lap while swinging her legs. It makes Y/N think that she was cute. She wants to approach the girl but she was afraid since her parents taught her not to talk to strangers.

Y/N looked at her parents to ask. Good thing that her mom and dad let her. It's just a little girl after all. Y/N jogged her way to the girl that was sitting on one of the benches. Y/N got in front of the mysterious girl.

"Hey..." Y/N greeted her and surprisingly the girl looked up. She got startled from Y/N's presence.

"Why are you here all alone?" She asked the lonely girl. The girl looks like she don't want to answer her question.

"Um...its okay, you don't have to answer it." With that, she sat down beside the lonely girl. She feels bad. They were just there sitting until Y/N got a thought.

"Wanna be my friend?" The quiet girl was astonished. She didn't know what she will say.

"I..." It was the first time Y/N have heard the voice of the girl. It was heavenly.

"Sure..." It was sure golden for Y/N.

"What's your name? I'm Y/N, Lee Y/N." She asked the quiet girl for her name.

"Mina, Myoui Mina." What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. That was Y/N thought.

Mina got a little comfortable with Y/N. She's fun to be with, she's caring and beautiful, Mina thought. Mina was finally happy and this is the first time that she became happy again in her lifetime. She sure have two friends who are Japanese like her but it felt different with Y/N. Like she never felt before.

"Want to meet my parents?" Y/N asked Mina and she felt scared when Y/N mentioned her parents.

"Uhh..." Before she even answer, she was dragged by Y/N. In just a blink of an eye, they were now in front of Y/N's parents.

"Is this the girl, sweetheart?" Her mom asked her.

"Yes she is, mom. Her name is Mina." Y/N giggled as her parents smiled.

"She's lovely." Her dad said and I never hear it. I was complimented by her dad.

"Thank you, sir." Mina said as she bowed.

Y/N and Mina had so much bonding. They created a bond with each other. Y/N never had friends since kindergarten, same with Mina. The thought was still lingering on Y/N's mind. What's with her and her parents? Mina looked at her watch wrist. She quickly stood up.

"What is it?" Y/n asked her and Mina just smiled.

"I'm going now." Mina answered and she run.

"Were going to see each other, right?" Mina looked back at Y/N and she nodded.

'We will see each other again.'

'I promise.'


Today, there was a neighbor that just moved in yesterday. The ten year old girl named Y/N was in her room. Playing games on her phone. She don't want to help her mom from cooking and also her dad is working on his company. By 8:00pm, her dad will be home and the neighbor that move in yesterday was invited by her mom on the same time.

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