M.  Now you are blaming me for this ha.  First you do mistake and then excusing me. How dare you. 

K. Listen you are making big issue now

M. I'm going from here I don't wanna do modelling there where people insults me.

K. Then get the hell out of here. If you won't walk on ramp walk then  show won't stop. So get out.

M. Now I will surely leave from here. Saying this she grabbed her things and left from there

Ar.  Reena reena he called her but he didn't stop and went off.

Ar. Where she has gone and why she was angry. He questions to khushi who is standing silently.

Other model. Asr this girl insulted her. First she shouted at her then when she asked her for water she without thinking anything spill all over her making her clothes spoils.

Ar. Whattt?

Ani. She is laying.  Khushi didn't do anything.  That girl made issue unnecessarily.  She was the one who was insulting khushi.

M. O plz ha we had seen how you people were treating her.

L.  I had already told you to change event planner but you didn't listen and look what happened  because of her show stopper has gone. Now who gonna walk over there in this short time we can't get any other model.

Arnab's eyes got red in anger. He clutch his fist to controlling himself but he couldn't do it snd held khushi's arm tightly

K. Aaaa what you doing. Let me go. 

Ar.  Let you gooooo you bloody spoiled everything and saying let you go.  He said pushing her back to the wall making her shriek.

Ar.  How dare you Khushi to do that. Because of you I'm gonna get loss. That girl was our main model but you bloody insulted her and she left  after getting angry and it's all happened because of you.  Why khushi why ?? Why you did it.

K. I didn't do deliberately. She was the one who was insulting me.   I tried to say her I'm not her servant or care taker but she made a big issue and then knowingly makes me spill water over her.  She itself wanted to leave.  I just became source to go from here. 

Arnav held his head in tension and then hit the wall making khushi shut her eyes

Ar.  Now I've one choice.  He look at khushi and pulled her towards him.

Ar. You did mistake  na. Now you are the only one who will pay for it.  Now instead of that girl you gonna run in ramp walk. 

K.  I won't do it mr Arnab singh raizada.  Did you get it. She try to go but he held her and pushed her back.

Ar. You have to do it other wise  I'll call your boss and will call off contract and will make sure to shut your company as well and it's not any threat I'll surely do it.  Now it's your choice. You wanna do this or wanna see your company on the road.

K.  This is wrong. When I've told you I didn't do anything then why are you bloody forcing me to do it

Ar. You did mistake or not but you have to do it and that's final. Now go.  Lavanaya bring her dress and give to her so that our main model can get ready

K. You will pay for this mr raizada

Ar. First you pay which you did. Miss khushi. 

K. Fine I'll do it. But keep one-thing in your bloody brain that if something happened then don't blame me. Did you get it. 

broken soul ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz