New Dimension Saga part 4

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I thank Whirlpool24 of DeviantArt for helping me.

Sparkle finished with the resin and smiled at her handiwork.

"Cream, here you go," Sparkle said as she held up the necklace.

"Oh it's so pretty. Thank you," Cream said as she looked at the pendant and put it around her neck.

"I'm glad you liked it," Sparkle smiled and then went to get Amy out of bed, "Amy? Amy, come on, get up."

"Ok, ok, I'm up," Amy groaned as she sat up and then yawned.

"We have a big day ahead of us, and it's going to take a lot of work," Sparkle said and clapped her hands to wake her up more.

"Oh, what are we doing?" Cream asked curiously as she came in.

"I'm going to help Amy mature a little more," Sparkle explained.

"Uh, how exactly are you going to help me be more mature?" Amy asked as she made her bed.

"First, look in the mirror at what you're wearing and when I tell you, compare it to my outfit," Sparkle said and pointed to the mirror on the wall.

Amy looked at her and then the mirror before going over to it. Then she looked at herself in the mirror and noted her red dress with the short skirt. And the white outline around it and her white boots.

"," Sparkle said to her and pointed to her clothes. Though she didn't wear a dress, she was still fashionable. "Now, do you actually think your dress is made for battling?"

"...No I guess not," Amy said as she looked at herself in the mirror and sighed.

"One option for that is, we go shopping," Sparkle said as she put her hand on her shoulder.

"Oh, that sounds nice, but how can we go shopping?" Amy asked and then pointed to them in the mirror, "We don't exactly blend in."

"I have a solution for that too," Sparkle said and then zipped to her room and came back, "We can wear these."

Sparkle showed her some ponchos, hats and sunglasses. Amy smiled at them and then picked out the ones she wanted to wear.

"Can I come too?" Cream asked and looked at them with bright eyes.

"I suppose so. But you don't need to learn to be more mature yet," Sparkle said to her. "You're still a kid. And I mean that in the respectful way."

"Besides, didn't you say there was a program on TV that you wanted to watch with Cheese?" Amy asked her.

"Oh yeah, our favorite," Cream remembered and then nodded, "Ok, I'll stay here. But you'll model the new clothes you'll get?"

"Sure we will," Amy said as she patted her back.

"Deal," Sparkle said and then thought, 'Maybe I should get Cream a new bow or a hair clip or something while we're there.'

"Well, Amy, let's go," Sparkle said to her after putting on the poncho and the hat.

Amy put on the poncho, hat and sunglasses and said, "I'm ready and Sonic found us enough money."

She got some out of the jar they put it in and put it in a purse she found. Sparkle adjusted her sunglasses with a smug look on her face. Then the pair of them walked down the stairs to the floor and past Tail's workstation.

"We're going out, Tails. Be back in a little while," Amy said to him as she walked past.

"Ok, but be careful out there," Tails said after he looked up from under the Tornado. "Those humans don't seem to like us."

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