New Dimension Saga part 3

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I thank Whirlpool24 of DeviantArt for helping me.

At the Warehouse, Sparkle and the others were admiring the Emerald in a machine that Tails made for it. They couldn't get over how beautiful it looked shining in the case.

"Wow, it's so pretty," Cream said as she looked at it.

"Yeah, it really is and it's just one of six more Emeralds to go," Sparkle said as she looked in at it.

"But when we do get them, we can't have them too close together right away," Tails said as he looked at the machine and then energy the Emerald was putting off.

"Why not?" Amy asked him.

"Because of this," Tails pointed to the gauge, "This is the amount of energy one Emerald is omitting. Now imagine a second Emerald right next to it. It could cause it to...explode."

"Oh wow, so how long do we need to keep them apart?" Sparkle asked him curiously.

"Oh at least a day or two," Tails said as he worked on his plane. "I'm making this compartment so we can keep each Emerald in there until they get used to each other."

Knuckles stood apart from the group and listened in on the conversation about how long the Emeralds needed to be apart. And that got him thinking about what Sparkle said yesterday about how this place was Mobius but not the Mobius they know of.

"Knuckles?" Sparkle asked him when she noticed him sitting by himself and away from everyone.

"What?" Knuckles deadpan asked.

"You ok? You've been very quiet lately," Sparkle asked him in concern.

"I was thinking about Angel Island. You said this was Mobius, but also not. Which means, the Master Emerald might not be here," Knuckles said as he looked up at the sky and saw some stars poking their heads out.

"Well, we won't know unless we see if we can find it," Sparkle suggests to him.

"And if it's not here, what then?" Knuckles asked and then turned away from her, "I need some air. I'm going out for a while."

Sparkle watched Knuckles walk off into the dark. She sighed and shook her head before going back inside. Knuckles walked several blocks before sitting down on a crate to mull things over. As he sat there, a newspaper blew onto his leg. He picked it up and looked at the picture of Sonic fighting Eggman on the front page. He scoffed and then let the wind blow it out of his hand.

His thoughts drifted off to his days guarding the Master Emerald. How peaceful and quiet it was on the island. He was so deep in the thought, he was unaware of a figure appearing behind him in the shadows.

"What do you want, Eggman?" Knuckles looked to his right and asked.

"Oh, please help me, Knuckles," Eggman said as he dropped to his knees after standing there looking menacing. "If we don't do something fast, Sonic could make us prisoners on this planet forever!"

Knuckles looked at him in surprise, especially when he held his hand.

"If we can gather all seven of the Chaos Emeralds, there's a fighting chance that we can somehow reverse the effect that sent us to this world, and return to where we came from," Eggman continued pleading him and look at him with tears behind his dark glasses, "Sonic knew he could use the Chaos Emeralds to warp himself through time and space. That's the reason he attacked Chaos Control! He found out that I collected all the Chaos Emeralds to keep them out of his grasp! You know how reckless Sonic is. I was afraid of what he might do if he got hold of the Emeralds, so I set up defenses, but there was no stopping Sonic. He was determined to push his selfish search for thrills all the way this time, no matter who got hurt! Finally, Sonic invaded Chaos Control, and to my horror, he finally achieved his goal! Sonic destroyed Chaos Control and sent us all here just for the fun of it!"

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