New Dimension Saga part 2

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I thank Whirlpool24 of DeviantArt for helping me.

"So what happened to the Chaos Emeralds when Chaos Control happened, Sonic?" Tails asked Sonic as he stopped washing the Tornado 2. "They just disappeared!"

"That doesn't mean they're gone for good. Any time the seven Chaos Emeralds come together in one place and are used, they scatter and disappear all over again," Sonic explained to him as he laid back with one leg over the other.

"I'm not worried at all," Sparkle said as she came in from a workout with Knuckles. "I mean you found them once, you can do it again, can't you?"

"Sure I can," Sonic said to her as he bobbed his leg up and down and then stared at the ceiling, "When I get around to it."

"What do you mean by that?" Knuckles demanded as he looked over at him after getting a drink from one of the bottles of water Tails had on his plane. "Sonic, you do want to go back home, right?"

"Yeah I do, but in the meantime, is it really that big of a hurry?" Sonic asked him, "I mean why don't we take a chance to explore this place while we're here?"

"Knuckles, I know you're supposed to guard the Master Emerald. I'm sure it's fine," Sparkle tried to say to calm him down as she got her own bottle of water, "Why can't you have a little more faith? You can trust me and Sonic."

"Yeah sure, why not? Just lay around and do nothing like a lump," Knuckle sarcastically said and scoffed, "Typical female."

Sparkle quietly gasped as Sonic got up in shock. Amy and Cream stared at him and Tails' stopped cleaning to slowly turn around. Amy got her hammer out and Cream covered her mouth. Cheese hide behind her.

"Knuckles," Tail said in shock.

Sparkle clutched her bottle tightly, then put it down and walked away.

"Hey, where are you going?" Knuckles asked as he saw her leaving.

"You obviously don't want me around," Sparkle said in a low voice. "I'll go and find the Chaos Emeralds myself."

"What? By yourself?" Knuckles asked in disbelief and held her arm, "But that will take forever."

"Well, we'll never know until I try," Sparkle glared at him and then yanked her arm away from him before running at high speed.

"Wait!" Knuckles called out and then shielded his eyes to keep the dust from flying in it, "Darn it!"

Then Knuckles ran after her at his top speed. Sparkle sniffled and roughly wiped the tears in her eyes.

Sparkle started running faster to get away from him. As she pushed herself, bright purple sparks started shooting out of her spines and zapping the ground along the way. Knuckles looks around in surprise from what was happening in front of him.

"That's new," Knuckles said as he continued to follow her.

As Knuckles followed the scorch marks made by Sparkle, he noticed a blue streak following him from behind. He sighed as Sonic caught up with him and then started following Sparkle as well.

"What are you doing here?" Knuckles asks in annoyance.

"I'm going to help Sparkle find the Emerald," Sonic said to Knuckles and then frowned at him, "Why are you following her?"

"I don't want her to go off by herself. She could get in trouble," Knuckles stated.

"Oh that's surprising considering what you said about her," Sonic coldly said to him and then noticed him stopping and skidded to a halt.

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