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After having Dinner with Harry and Ginny Ron and I head back to Gryffindor Tower. We sit down in our usual chairs in the common room and I began to help Ron with his homework.

"I don't know what I'd do without you 'Mione'" Ron yawns after we have finished the homework.

"I don't know either" I giggle.

"I'm really worried about Ginny" Ron says with a sad face.

"Me too, it's horrible whats she's going through, I had a muggle friend who had panic attacks, she got better eventually" I say sadly

"Ginny will get through it I'm sure, she has Harry with her anyways" Ron says with a grin on his face.

"Yeah, anyways is that all the work you want to do tonight?" I questions.

"Yeah, I'm gonna head to bed" Ron yawns.

"Ok, Goodnight" I say, then I give Ron a quick peck.

'Night' Ron says tiredly


I jolt awake to the sound of Ginny's screams
"Ginny, it's ok, I'm here" I said trying to calm her.

"Harry, I'm sorry, I was dreaming that the-the Carrows were back and they had hexed you, me, Hermio-" Ginny sobs.

"Ginny, their never coming back, their gone" I says while stroking Ginny's hair in a attempt to calm her.

"It's-it's just so hard, I'm trying to be strong, but's just so hard, I fee-feel like I'm never going to get through it" she says while crying.

"Ginny you are going to get through it, I know you will, your one of the toughest people I know" I says as a tear slid down my face from the pain in her voice.

"Thank you Harry" Ginny says with a half smile.

"Let's try to go back to sleep now" I say and receive a nod from Ginny.
I hold Ginny in my arms and what for her to fall asleep and cry silent tears when she does. I don't cry a lot, but the pain in Ginny's voice is enough to set me off.

Sorry for taking awhile for posting again, I have gone back to doing school on campus and have been a little stuck with writing the chapter.
If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments.

Seeya next time guys!

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