Hogwarts Halls

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Walking through the halls is still a slight struggle, remembering the horrors they had once held and led to. But fortunately I had my best friend and my brother with me. And Harry always reminded me of the happiness they now held every chance he got.

Still I wake up in the middle of night screaming, reminded in my nightmares of the terrors my friends and I experienced under the rule of Snape. Harry was always there trying to calm me down after I woke up, but despite his best efforts the terrors still crawled back into my dreams.

"Ginny it's alright, I'm here, your safe" I say trying to calm Ginny down after she had woken up screaming.

Seeing Ginny like this hurt me, I feel bad for not being there for her when she was struggling last term. She always reassures me that I was out saving the world, but she is my world and I couldn't save her from what happened to her.

After she eventually she lays down, I watch to make sure she is asleep she eventually does fall asleep but when she does its restless, It makes
me feel terrible, so I wake her up, and just hug her. She eventually falls asleep in my arms and I eventually fall asleep myself.

Hermione and I sit and wait for Harry and Ginny in the Great Hall, discussing homework and any events that may be happening soon.

"Harry and Ginny are here" Hermione said. Sure enough they were walking down through the door holding hands (as usual)

"Ginny looks tired, really tired" Hermione pointed out worriedly. "Do you think she's sleeping better"

"No, Harry says she's not getting any better, almost worse even" I say sadly.

"Oh dear" Hermione said with a concerned look

"Good morning everyone" Ginny said

"Morning" I went to comment on the tired look on Ginny's face, but Harry must have been able to tell what I was about to say and just sadly shook his head.

After a little conversation and eating our Breakfast, we head off to class.

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